Chapter 8

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Snotlout shouted, standing up, as the fog lifted from his brain. The others around him were also coming to.

"Where are we?" Fishlegs asked while glancing at the surroundings.

"In a house." Tuffnut said as he got his bearings.

"I know that Tuffnut." Fishlegs muttered. "But how did we get here? Last thing I remembered was riding through the forest."

"Aye" Ruffnut mumbled. "I lost my feeling and then we woke up here."

They suddenly heard a sharp crack from outside which startled them. Moving to the back of the house they saw that the back door was left wide open. Outside the sky was dark and emanated a strange green glow.

"Fishlegs, That is not normal right?" Ruffnut asked hesitantly as the party flinched when green energy crackled in the sky.

"Dark magic" Fishlegs stated. "By the display, I am guessing it is someone very powerful."

"The Dark Queen!" Snotlout shouted as realization hit. "It has to be!" He said and raced towards the forest with the others trying to catch up to him.

"Wait! We're running towards the frightening magical display!!" Tuffnut shouted as more green energy crackled in the sky like lightning.

"Yes we are!" Snotlout shouted slowing down a bit as he tried to dodge tree roots.

"Why?!" Ruffnut asked. "It seemed saver in the house."

"Agreed." Fishlegs shouted.

Snotlout stopped and then pointed to where the center seemed to be. "We came to capture the Queen. If that is where she is then that is where we go!"

The others sighed but kept on following Snotlout.

"She might not be happy to see us." Fishlegs murmured.

When the party got to the clearing they were shocked to see three women locked in combat. One of the women was holding up a shield in front of a man who was heaving heavily. The other women were attacking the shield relentlessly.

"Just what the hell have we walked into?" Ruffnut asked as they saw the woman retaliate after the man had gotten his bearings and took the sword from the sheet of her back.

"So which one is the queen again?" Tuffnut asked confused.

"The Queen is blond and has a male companion was what we heard in Rutivik." Fishlegs said pointedly towards Tuffnut. "The other two women are brunettes."

"Oh......" Tuffnut commented. "So how do we apprehend the Queen?"

"We charge!" Snotlout shouted and ran into the fray.

"Eh... Snotlout, not a good idea." Fishlegs said but Snotlout's short legs had already carried him in the direction of the battle.

"Why can't that man ever listen?" Ruffnut asked as she took out some daggers while her brother unsheathed his sword.

Snotlout swung his sword and let out a battle cry as he charged towards the Queen. His swing was however stopped when he clashed swords with the man.

"Who are you?" The man and Snotlout asked at the same time.

"Hiccup can you deal with them?" The Queen shouted as she used her magic like a whip to grab hold of her opponent's leg to make them fall. "I can take these two just fine."

Hiccup nodded and used his sword to parry the blows from the short knight. He noticed reinforcements coming to the knight's aid and got a wicked idea.

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