Chapter 28

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The day progressed swiftly after breakfast. Eret went to meet Hiccup on the training grounds and saw him talking to Cyne, Ryany, and Ellyn. He waited until Hiccup bid goodbye to the three. "I see you've made your choice." Eret said.

Hiccup turned around so fast from shock that he nearly tripped over Toothless' tail. "You nearly gave me a heart attack." Hiccup mumbled as he regained his composure. "And yes I have just asked them."

"It certainly is an odd group." Eret said as he saw Ryany try to climb onto Cyne's shoulders in the distance while it looked like Ellyn was scolding him. "Then please let Astrid know. She also wanted to see if you were free for the evening."

Hiccup nodded and both men headed back to the throne room. Hiccup's brows rose when they entered the room. He noticed Drago on the floor with an enormous pile of scrolls around him while Astrid was floating a scribe, who looked like he would have crashed against the wall, a few feet in the air.

"Overeager scribes." Eret whispered to Hiccup.

"So this happens a lot?" Hiccup asked as they walked further into the room.

"Yes, especially if one of the scribes has managed to translate an obscure magic tome."

"Hiccup, Eret!" Astrid smiled as she set down the scribe. "You are just in time. Nichye has just finished translating one of the older scriptures. It contained a new kind of tracking spell." She tells them enthusiastically. "We could probably use it to track those trappers."

"Trappers? What trappers?" Drago muttered as he had finally gotten up.

"The ones who have been poaching dragons in the southern kingdoms. I have already send notice to Marine, Euradrin, and Orlon about the matter." Astrid explained.

"Why am I hearing of this now?" Drago mumbled.

"It is a matter which I will see to myself. No one poaches dragons in my realm and gets away with it." Astrid stated leaving no room for arguments. Astrid then turned to Hiccup. "If you are here already then you must have chosen your guards."

Hiccup nodded and told Astrid who he asked. She smile when she heard that Ellyn was among them and Drago sputtered when Ryany's name was mentioned.

"Ellyn is a great fighter. She and I used to spar when she was still my handmaiden." Astrid admitted. "Now Hiccup I wanted to know if you were free this evening."

"Yes of course." Hiccup said and offered Astrid his arm as they began walking while conversing.

Drago growled at the display of affection and stomped out of the room. Byzu was waiting for Drago near his chambers. "I see you failed." The ex-sergeant muttered as he stepped inside.

"Shut up." Drago growled. "I now don't have a single man close to him."

"Well maybe not a man, but we do have a woman." Byzu snickered.

"Byzu you aren't seriously suggesting that. She'll never aid us."

"She will if she ever wants to find her older brother." Byzu commented with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

"Very well. It seems we are running out of options. The Queen is also onto our operation." Drago muttered angrily. "Get the girl here without being seen."

"As you wish." Byzu nodded and left the room.

Drago was writing a letter when Byzu reentered along with a squirming and gagged Ellyn. Drago turned to see his right hand man and raised an eyebrow at the scratches he was now sporting. A black eye was also beginning to form.

"Can you not even retrieve a simple woman without ending up injured?" Drago asked in disgust as Ellyn was deposited on a stool.

"Hmmf hhmamf" Ellyn said through the gag as she glared at Byzu and Drago.

"Now you are probably wondering why you were brought here. We need you to do us a favor." Drago said as he removed the gag.

"Why should I listen to lowlifes like you!" Ellyn muttered as she tried to break out of the ropes binding her arms and legs.

"I thought you wanted to know what happened to your older brother?" Drago queried. "That is the only reason you joined the order right? To clear your brother's name as he was denounced a coward and traitor."

"My brother was never a coward nor a traitor!" Ellyn growled.

"Then help us and we will tell you what truly happened to him." Byzu offered.

"You bastards." Ellyn said in a deadly voice. "You will tell me or I will gut you like the pig you are."

"Now that is no way for a lady to talk." Drago admonished. "All we want is for you to complete a simple task and then you'll get that information."

"And what is it you want?" Elyn asked as she glared at the two men.

Byzu proceeded to cut the ropes while Drago handed her a vial of purple liquid. "That is a fast acting poison. Make sure that Hiccup drinks it. If you do not comply or fail then I will have the rest of your family killed. Your mother lives right near the market place does she not."

"Don't you dare." Ellyn said. "Why do you even want Hiccup dead. He has done nothing to you."

"Oh but he has. He has gotten in the way of my rise to power." Drago exclaimed. "I want that nuisance dealt with."

"Sounds to me like you are jealous." Ellyn said.

"Am not" Drago angrily said.

"Are too"

"Am not"

"Actually boss." Byzu decided to speak up and point out. "It sort of does look like jealousy."

"I AM NOT JEALOUS!!" Drago shouted now and then pointed a finger at Ellyn "You girl, get out of here, and not a word to anyone. Make sure that the deed is done otherwise you will never find out what happened to your brother and your family will pay a steep price!!"

Ellyn shot one last glare at Drago and Byzu before she headed out the chamber door.

Drago grimaced as he watched the woman leave. "Get rid of her once she has done it. We can blame everything on her."

"Of course boss." Byzu said before he too left the room.

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