page 52

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No doubt she was the type of girl who had to constantly beat guys off of her by bamboo sticks.

" I'm Clara Martin, Sorry if  i was a little rough on you. but they insisted that i should provide a sense of challenge for this test to make it more interesting." 

" No. It's ok, the proctors did metioned something like that. and you sure are fast and obviously an expert on fencing that i thought you were a guy."  she laughed, it was the sound of bell chimes tinkling together.

" You aren't the only one with that impression. most of my opponents get shocked when they find out that they were defeated by a girl--- you are the first one who had successfully beaten me.

i must say, i'm quite impressed.  but i guess that is to be expected. isn't it..." she trailed off,nlooking at me expectantly to fill in the blanks she made.

" Angela Dawson, but everyone just calls me Angie." i replied, pleased yet uncomfortable with her praise knowing i didn't fully deserve it since i just passed out of luck than anything else.

" And you're Mark's mistress.  it's no wonder you're so strong and as stubborn as he is... it's almost hard to believe that you're a mortal." 

" So you knew Mark?" i couldn't help but ask.  there was something about the way she mentioned his name, and how she just suddenly turned solemn that suggested it.

" Yes, we were-- we've been friends for a long trime. wat back when we were children and his father was still alive.  speaking of the devil, here he is."  she smiled, but it seemed strained.

as Mark came toward us.  he didn't seemed at all surprised to see his old friend here.  he gave her a cold nod, before turning to tug at my arm.  he steered me all the way until we were standing just outside the huge double doors.  one hand cupped my face. 

he tilted it this way and that.

At last, his gaze settled on my shoulder and arm, which was now only marred by dark, reddish scars.

" What were you thinking? to have proceeded with the test when you could hardly stand still?

i was in the council's hall in Berlin dying with worry---"  here, he paused.  as if suddenly catching himself revealing too much.

" Just don't do something like this again do you understand me?"  he shook me a little on the shoulders as he spoke.    

it was then that i realized something : he wasn't really angry.  for once, his usually handsome, arrogant face was wild with fear.

rather like a mother scolding her child from wandering in the woods late at night.

the realization that he does, in fact, Care  about me made warmth curl low in my belly.

that i just found myself giving  an obedient, 

" Yes, i won't do it again. i'm sorry. now it's your turn." i said, crossing my arms over my chest.

" hoiw come you were avoiding me? and now, after a week of treating me like the INVISIBLE MAN,  you'd suddenly just rush back here, like you actually care about me---" he cut me off

" Of course i care about you, i'm concerened about you're well- being. you are my mistress. and i need you to pass all the tests so you would be officially be recognized by my kind."

" then why didn't even try to talk to me after  you know, the afternoon on the kefeneio in Crete...  was it that bad for you?" i flushed, i couldn't  bring myself to actually say the word kiss and look him straight in the eye.

he sighed, as if it was rendered from the depths of his soul.

" No, it was suprisingly pleasant.. look, that afternoon brought a lot of confusion inside me--- i was always certain of what i felt about you, but after we kissed... i was not so sure anymore, and i went away to try to figure it out for myself."

" and did you learned now what it was?"  why was it suddenly difficult to breathe? i wish my heart would stop racing.

the silence seem to stretch endlessly.  but at last, he lifted his eyes to meet mine.

" Not yet  Angie, but soon i will."  he ran his knuckle on my cheek, then descended the stone steps.

the Vampire's Mistress part twoWhere stories live. Discover now