page 30

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" everything. your food, clothes,  transportation back in our time, you had to wait for your personal tailor to finish making your clothes.  which takes weeks.  but nowadays all you have to do is swing by a nice boutique, choose whatever shirt catches your fancy and you can wear it. 

there were no such, things as instant microweable food, and transportation? carriages can only take you so far. depending on the weather.   if there's a storm or a tricky road, the wheels often get loose.

leaving its occupants falling on their backs in the ground.  that is, if they didn't break their necks first." he finished with a laugh.

" still, it must have been great, you know, not only to have read boring history books while enduring eight period class with old Mrs. Andrews. but to actually have lived it." it wasn't what i meant to say,

they just sort of, came out of my mouth like bile.

what i really wanted to ask, but lacked the nerve to do so, was; if i aslo share immortality along with me new super strength.  i guarded my thoughts  well, forming hish brick walls which allowed no entry for him.

the Vampire's Mistress part twoWhere stories live. Discover now