Chapter 12 ~ Paradise

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Chapter 12 ~ Paradise

If the witches are the only ones who know anything about my origins truly, then we need to find them.

"Zoe, could you take me to the witches?" I asked.

She gave me a look of shock, then quickly masked it with a look of concern.

"I don't think that's a wise idea, darling." She said.

"Why not?"

"Well, the witches aren't exactly the friendliest sort, particulary the ones you were taken from," she answered me. "Zaressa, don't you have other questions? The witches are a. . .touchy subject."

I thought up more questions like 'what's a company?' And 'what's a boarding school?' and she answered them.

"Oh, what about erupting? You said that was one of your powers but you never told me exactly what it was." I said.

"Erupting is blowing someone's mind-literally, kind of. Not like with explosions amd such, but just damaging a person's thinking process so much that they can't use their minds anymore. It's actually worse, in my opinion, than any physical harm. I've only used it twice before in all my years. It's a very powerful gift that should be used with caution."

I couldn't even imagine erupting. All I could really get was someone's head getting blown to bits. I shook off the thought.

"What about the King. You never really explained things about him, like how he could be in my dream, and what he wants with me."

"That fool of a King, is called Anthony, the King of the Exiles, though he isn't really. He isn't interested in owning territories and such, he's only interested in fights and wars. He resides in one of the hidden Fae realms in Scotland, and there he has his kingdom with all his followers."

I thought about that for a moment before I asked, "What is a Fae realm?"

"It's an abandoned, forgotten, or taken-over Fae-made version of Faery," Zoë said simply.

That didn't exactly help me, instead it made me more confused. What exactly is Fae, and Faery?

Hearing my thoughts, she replied, "Fae is a type of being, like humans and angels, except they're purely magical creatures. Although that may seem great, there're two types of pure magic: pure good, and pure evil. Though, usually you can tell what type the fairy is just by looking at them. Fairies are all beautiful creatures gifted with the gift of music. Some have wings and others do not. They are all in touch with nature and green is a primary color associated with them. They usually don't make themselves apparent to humans, which is why most are completely oblivious to their existence. Fairies, for the most part, reside in Faery, their land, where time runs differently. One day here could be one thousand years there, though it changes all the time. Fairies tend to stick to themselves, but they have their own court and rules and such. Never underestimate a fairy is my advice to you."

I mulled this over before another question arose. "Am I part fairy?" I asked with wonder. Fairies seemed to be pretty awesome creatures, if I say so myself.

Zoë smiled before answering, "Yes, you are part fairy, but I warn you, don't associate yourself with them, for they don't like anything that is not purebred and they are very racist. Also you, my dear are combined with some of their worst enemies, so I don't think it wise to hang around them." Zoë glanced at my food then at the clock on the wall behind me. "Zaressa I think you should hurry and eat your food. We have an appointment at the salon in twenty minutes and it takes about fifteen to get there."

I did as she said and stuffed this amazing concoction called beef stew into my mouth and downed it with my glass of pink lemonade. Oh the wonders of Gaea I fear I'll become overweight before the week's end.

When we both finished and Zoë paid what was called the bill, we went back to the car and she drove us to a place called the salon. Zoë described the place to me in exquisite detail, making me immensely excited to be going to such a place where they are practically your servants! It seems that my luck is finally on the good side of things, for now.

Zoë rushed me out of the car when we arrived and we approached two huge glass doors with golden handles. It looked like Heaven on Gaea We entered the golden and glass paradise and were met by two ladies. One had jet black hair that went to her elbows, a peach dress with flowers all over that went to her knees, and black shiny heels. Her skin was flawless, beautiful, and glowing. The other had rich brown hair that was bountiful in curls that went to her shoulders, an indigo blue dress that showed off her back in a delicate design, and nude heels. Her skin was just as beautiful, and they both had what Zoë called makeup on.

The black haired one ushered for me to follow her and the other went with Zoë and we seperated into two different paths.

The lady that went with me put a reassuring smile on that seemed heartfelt, as if she knew this was my first time.

"Don't worry, it'll be painless. In fact, quite the opposite. You'll be relaxed and beautiful by the time we're done with you" she said, in her silky-like voice.

I calmed instantly and was led away into the realm of paradise.

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