Part Four

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'This isn't like you.' He said shocked. It was the first time he'd ever seen her with a cigarette in her hand. He didn't like it. Him and his new girl broke up after a month. Rumours started to spread and they said that he wanted his 'old girl' back.

'And why would you care.' She spat feeling the anger bubble inside of her. He took a note of the anger and knew that he did this to her. He caused this. He tried to take a step forward, but her friends warned him that if he did that, he'd lose his teeth.

'I'm sorry.' He croaked as his palate and tongue dried. She threw back her head and laughed.

'Where are the cameras?' She said sarcastically, looking around as if this was a prank.

'I really am sorry.' Think, he thought but his brain stopped. He missed seeing her, touching her, brushing his fingers through her shimmering black hair, and being able to stare at her beautiful green eyes for as long as he wanted to. He remembered all the little things they used to do together. The late night drives to drive-thrus to go grab different burgers and compile all of the burgers together to make one ultimate burger. The early morning walks in the Spring to the fields where they'd lay side by side, holding each others hands and talk about their future together. 'I fucked up so bad, I know, and you probably won't forgive me but-'

'You're right, I won't forgive you.' she ran her tongue across her teeth and put the cigarette between her lips. She removed it, leaving a red lipstick stain on it and exhaled making the smoke come out of her mouth slowly. 'Maybe it's time you should leave.'

'Please, hear me out.' He pleaded as his eyes slowly welled up. Pathetic, she thought.

'I'd rather not listen to any of the bullshit that's coming out of your mouth. . . and because you  aren't leaving, I will.' She spun on her heel and started walking away. He tried to run up to her but her friends pushed him back causing him to fall on his arm, leaving a scar mentally and physically.

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