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"Um your meal is already paid for."

"Excuse me."

"The gentleman over there, he paid for your meal."

I looked up to see the guy who was staring me down earlier. I smiled to myself and Deja made a ooo noise. "Deja stop."

"Honey, go say thank you."

"I am, I just- he just tryna fuck me."

"Z, don't assume that's what all men want okay? Its some good men out here that will spoil you, give you the world, and treat you like a queen."

"Then fuck me and leave me right?"

She sucked her teeth and I giggled, I was only joking, what she was saying was true, I was just scared to love again honestly. I grabbed my things and made my way to their table.

"Thanks for getting my food, you- you didn't have to do that."

"Nah, I wanted to."

I smiled and I could tell my face was turning red cause I was nervous and didn't know what to say.

"Im Mitch." He stood up and towered over me and held out his hand.

"Zora." I looked up at him and shook his hand.

"Zora... wow, that's a beautiful name."

"Thank you." I looked back and saw Deja standing by the door indicating she was ready to go. "Well, it was nice meeting you and thanks again."

"No problem, are you on your lunch break or something?"

"Yeah, I um, I work at the mall."

"Oh, well I don't wanna make you late. Maybe I can get your number, and i'll buy you lunch another day." He started pulling out his phone and I bit down on my lip.

"Alright, its 480 378 9001"

"480 378 9001, got it. And its Zora right?"

I nodded and so did he. "Cool, i'll hit you up later."

"Alright, thanks again."

"No problem."


"Girl are you fucking with me right now? He was FINE."

"Deja, I almost shitted myself."

"See now.. bitch you nasty."

We laughed to ourselves and continued working with whatever we were working on. I had to be here 4 more hours then it was off to get my little one from day care, I missed him so much throughout the day, he was so smart, and kept me so much company. I honestly wouldn't know what I would do without him.


I turned off my bathroom light and flopped on my King Sized bed with no one to share with, I turned on ESPN and picked up my phone going to Zora's contact I started to call but that would be awkward for the first day. I texted her instead. It took her almost 20 minutes to reply but im okay with that, she probably a busy woman ya know.

Me: Sup Zora, this Mitch.
Zora: Hey, sorry for the wait. I was putting my son to sleep.

Son? What the fuck. She's a breeder. Play it cool Mitch, its just one.

Mitch: You have a son?
Zora: Yes
Mitch: Whats his name?

We texted, we texted and we texted. I even sent paragraphs, im not a paragraph type person, I like to keep it short and straightforward, but it wasn't going to hurt nothing to get to know shorty. I really wanted to hang out with her, so I asked what she was doing tomorrow night, and like I figured she's hanging out with the kid. Im not knocking her, but where his dad. See, this is things I wanted to know, before I try to talk to someone or whatever I have to find out things.

Zora: My son and I are going to a movie.
Mitch: What movie?
Zora:Anything that's kid friendly lol
Mitch: Mind if I join? I'd like to get to know you and little man, if that's okay with you?
Zora: Its fine with me, i'll be there around 3-3:30.
Mitch:Alright, i'll c u there.

Money Making Mitch( A Nipsey Hussle Story) (NF)Where stories live. Discover now