Awakening the Harbinger

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It started faint.

A gentle thud against the ribs. Then another thud followed again by another. One by one it came, a natural rhythm coming and going. Then it began to race, increasing the rhythm full force, it soon started slamming against its constrictive walls awakening its bearer from a deep slumber.

As air rushed into his still body, Volleko sat bolt upright with a gasp, coughing up blood and saliva onto the floor beside him. Trembling, sweat dripped across his forehead, his temples throbbed, his heart pounded and for some odd reason his chest was bruised and hurting badly.

Rubbing his sore skin, he felt the veins he had. They remained cold to the touch, but no longer pained him. Weary, he stood to his feet, only to feel his knees buckle beneath him and send him crashing down. Once he fell about the second time, his hands forward to catch himself, Volleko landed on something hard.

Curious he dragged his hand across it and heard the rattle of chains against the floor. Shackles? His fingers explored them further. Empty shackles?

The tips of his fingers met a slicker section of the bind, leaving traces of the wet liquid on his hand. Rubbing the solution between his fingers, he picked up the coppery scent of blood and as the scent filled him, so did the images of what occurred before he found himself here.

He had Subject Nyx cornered. She looked helpless until she pulled the knife, harming him in the process. His Subject confronted him then, digging deep inside him to pull out what he feared most. Himself. After that it was all a blur, but there was one thing he remembered distinctly.

Lados had shot him with the intent to kill, therefore signing betrayal and her death warrant in blood across his mind.

Turning his angry gaze back on the binds, he knew whose blood marked these. ''Nyx.'' He muttered. Rage overcame him, a passion he had not felt for so long. He smirked darkly, the feeling was exhilarating.

Getting to his feet, he dropped the shackles with a clatter. His body ached and his breath shuddered. He did not care though, such pain would not match what was ahead. Determination across his glare, he went to the door. He couldn't pry it open, but someone on the other side could open it.

As hard as he could, he pounded the metal, most likely startling the guard on the outside. He smirked and retreated into the shadowy corners of the room, like a cat awaiting his prey.

Remaining patient, the echoing of slammed metal still ringing inside the cell, Volleko stayed put until he heard the swift air release for the door. It hissed open further as voices emerged from the opening. Pressing himself against the wall, he held his breath until two beings had entered, one man and one of Lados' species.

Both guards were armed and wore scowls across their faces, which became even more angrier seeing that their prisoner was missing. Before they had time to shout over Volleko's disappearance, he attacked them. In one quick movement, he hooked his arm around the man's neck, pulling him into a choke hold and used the Guards's own hand to discharge the weapon at the alien being, who collapsed immediately on impact.

He finished off the human Guard he held by snapping his neck, he felt no need to waste ammo on him. Seizing the gun from the dead guard's grasp, he tore it free and checked the powercell for ammo. Muttering under his breath, Volleko estimated at least three hundred cell energy rounds left. He hoped it would be plenty.

Pulling on the black coat the human guard wore, he clothed his bare chest and stepped out into the hall.


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