Chapter 6

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Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh.

Today is Jumada al Awwal 1, 1433 H

If there is any mistake it is from me and shatanan (devil) and not from our religion, Islam.


“If you think you’re too small to make a difference, you haven’t spent the night with a mosquito.” – African proverb.

A mosquito makes a difference in an annoying way, but the principle is the same. One person can stop a great injustice. One person can be a voice for truth. One person’s kindness can save a life. One person matters.

Don’t Make Yourself a Prisoner

By Wael Abdelgawad |

It’s possible to make ourselves the prisoners of others. How? By caring so much what they think that we let if affect how we practice our religion, how we dress, how we speak, even what names we call ourselves.

Prisoners have their names taken away and are given numbers. We do it voluntarily when we change Muhammad to Mo, Wael to Will (I’ve been advised by some to do this but I have always refused), and Khadija to Kim.

Prisoners are told how to dress. We do it to ourselves by giving up our hijabs and kufis in order to fit in. We enslave ourselves to the cultural dictates of others. We humiliate ourselves by suppressing everything that says, “I am Muslim.”

Prisoners are sometimes refused the right to pray or to have a Quran. We do it to ourselves by missing our prayers because we are afraid of being seen in public; or putting away our Quran and letting it gather dust.

Prisoners are given no choice in their diets. We do it to ourselves by eating the non-halal meat that is put in front of us, because we are ashamed to say, “I only eat halal.”

Prisoners learn to remain silent. We do it to ourselves when others speak of faith and religion – sometimes even criticizing Islam in our presence – and we remain silent because we are embarrassed to speak up.

Allah gave us a great gift, He gave us truth and guidance, and others are hungering for it, so don’t hide it! We must be ourselves, be proud (not the pride of arrogance but of gratitude), let our faith show, shine our light! A lamp in the darkness cannot be hidden!

Don’t make yourself a prisoner! Wear your Islamic clothing without embarrassment, eat halal without apology, speak your name with pride, pray on time no matter where you are, read the Quran on the bus or the subway if you wish, and when people ask you about your faith, tell them with a smile, “I am Muslim.” Speak your truth without fear. Be proud of Islam. Be free, and hold your head up high, bowing only to Allah.


Allah has a beautiful plan

for every woman and man.

Trust Allah and pray

and He will light the way.

- Wael Abdelgawad


Jazakallah for reading. May Allah grant us to do these things and to follow the Sunnah of out Prophet (S.) What I write is mainly for me, and also for you. I make many sins and May Allah forgive them, and also yours. I am not perfect, so this book or chapters may not be used for proof with/against anything. May Allah give me and you hidah to do these things and for everything. If there is any mistake it is from me and shatanan (devil) and not from our religion, Islam.

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