Chapter 3

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"Listen Jet what ever you do dont come down from here." My mom says going down the stairs of the attic. "Mommy what happening?" I ask. "Jetty baby it'll be okay." She says kissing my head. She closes the door of the attic. I hear a loud knock on the door. "I'll be right there." I here my mom say. I look through an hole in the floor to see my mom open the door and men in white full body armor standing there. "Where is it Janet?" On with his helmet off. The on with his helmet off had raven black hair and dark green eyes. "Where's what?" My mom asked? "Jettro!" The man yells. "Linden I sent him away." My mom says. "You'd never send him away." The man says. "Shows what you know about your ex-wife." My mommy says. "Janet I don't want to hurt you!" The man yells. "Why are you doing this he's your son!" My mom yells. "That thing is not my son and he'll never be my son." He says. Then he slaps my mom with the back of his armored hand. My mom gets up off the ground and she looks at the man with rage in her eyes. "Janet if you do it I'll have to have my men kill you." He says. Then my mom starts screaming I high pitch scream causing the man to fly back and all the others to hold there ears. The men push a button on there helmets and then he pulls out a small gun and shots my mom and a dart goes into her neck causing her to close her eyes and drop to the ground. The man with out his helmet gets up and walks over to my mom. "Go get the truck ready she'll have to do for the Supremes." He says. "Yes commander Kolon." One says then they all leave the house. Once there all gone the man raises his hand and moms body floats into the air. "I would kill you but The Supremes will have you suffer a death far worse then mines." The man says. Then he walks out with my mom's body floating behind him. "Torch the place." I hear his faint voice say. Then the house bursts into flames. "Mommy!" I yell opening the floor to the attic. I quickly go down the stairs and the a giant flaming board drops in front of me. I back away from the blazing flames and I turn around to see another board fall. "Mommy." I cry sitting down. The fire inches closer and closer towards me I try to back away but I just back away into more flames. I stop myself from going in the flames. I bring my knees up to my chest and begin to cry. Then the fire moves towards my foot and then it's swallowed into the fire but it doesn't burn my skin. I look at the fire with raised eyebrows. I move closer and put my hand into the fire and feels natural. I stand up and walk through the fire to the open door. Once I go through the door a fire truck is turning down the street. I turn around to see my house up and flames everything turning to ash. The fire trucks stops in front of my house and men jump off and quickly start the water to put the flames but the flames grow higher and higher as I think about my mom. "Kid are you okay?" A female firefighter asks. "They took my mommy." I cry. "Who took your mom?" She asks. "The men in white." I say. "Did your mommy have powers?" She asked. "I think so." I say. "That means you may have powers." She whispers. "Okay my name is Rachel I help people like you let me you see your hand." She says. I give her my hand and she takes it in her hands and her eyes turn a bright blue. "Fire and and water so you'll go to element." She said. "Get in the truck after we put the fire out I'll take you there." She says
Nine Years Later
I walked down the beach with my board in my hand today was a good day the waves were perfect and the sun was out. "So Jet you think you can finally surf big mama?" Xander asks. "Dude of course I can I made her." I say as we get into to water we paddle towards the deeper part of the water. We make there and sit on our boards. "Ready?" I ask. "Yeah." He says. Then I raise my left hand and the water begins to rise with it towering over our heads tall as the council building. I drop the wave and it splashes toward us sending our boards gliding across the water then no stand up riding the wave. The wave begins to close us in side of it getting smaller  and smaller until it wipes Xander out sending him into the the water. I quickly go through  the hole out side and ride up the wave but it quickly wipes me out sending me under the blue water.
I go back up for air to see Xander. "I thought you could it." He says. "I could but I got distracted by something." I lied. "Yeah what ever let's go my mom is making lunch." He says getting on his board and paddle back towards the shore. I get on my mines and follow right behind him.
This chapter is very crappy because Idk anything about surfing but yeah that's the update enjoy and as my rolemode would say: One Love Wattpad even tho she says one love superwoman

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