Chapter Twelve

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((I do have two other G/T's in case you didn't know! Check out my profile!))

After a few minutes, Rosemary allowed Ellie to take a seat. "Thank you. I just needed those so I could make your clothes. Hmm. I do believe a lime green and black dress would work? I'm not certain. I'll figure it out later, though." Flashing another smile, she turned her back to Mark and Ellie both as she began to gather her fabrics, spools, and other sewing items. When she looked back over, Ellie was sitting on one of the spools of thread, looking up at Mark and talking to him. It was then she got a crazy idea. "Mark!" She exclaimed with a grin, looking at her boss.

Mark saw Ellie jump but he then looked at Rosemary with a quiet sigh. "What is it? We're a little busy trying to figure out how we're going to do this." With another sigh, he went to lift Ellie into his hand when Rosemary's hand grabbed his wrist. 

"Sir wait. Take a step back and look at her. In different clothes, her hair done and makeup, I think something like that would make quite the picture." She smiled at Mark, watching him as he took a step back with a confused face. 

His confusion disappeared as he took in the sight. Ellie perched cutely on the spool oh thread, and it was true if he dressed her up, got her hair and makeup done, it really would make a very good picture. 

"Rosemary, get some black thread.  Use a lime green fabric for a knee length dress and add some black trim to it. Ellie will go with you and you will teach her how to do her own makeup and hair since our own fingers will be too big for it." Mark started barking orders and looked to Ellie with a smile. "You're perfect for this. I'll name the portfolio 'Little Girl in a Big World.' Every picture will have things to do with your size. After this, we'll have to get a new idea for the second picture theme, but we'll do a few different poses." 

Ellie at the moment was incapable of having any idea what he was saying but is certain she'll learn later on. "I-I don't know what that means Mark, but I'll try and learn." She smiled and stood up off of the spool and approached Rosemary. "It'll be a pleasure to work with you, Mark told me quite a bit about your skills on the way here."

A small look of pride crossed Rosemary's face as she gently curled her fingers around the tiny woman, lifting her up into an open palm. "It'll be an honor to work with you to Ellie." She said with a smile as she picked her sewing basket up in her free hand, leaving the main entrance room.

Watching the world blur around her, Ellie got herself comfortable in the giant hand, surprised at how lovely the office she was brought into was. There was a desk with a laptop, and then a totally separate table with a sewing machine and tons of fabric rolls scattered about the floor. "Forgive the mess." Rose mumbled with an embarrased smile. 

"It's okay, really." Ellie returned the smile as she was deposited onto the sewing table. "I'm just excited to get a new outfit. I've been wearing this one for quite a while now and it'd be good to get into someting clean." Looking at Rosemary, she watched as she grabbed thread and a smaller roll of fabric, looking at the measurements Ellie let her take.

"Then this will definately be of help. Do you need a bath? I can get a warm bowl of water if you'd like." The assistant suggested as she stood from the chair and left the room without waiting for an answer.

Ellie only laughed at how eager Rose seemed to help, and seated herself down on the table as she looked around the giant room happily.

Mark meanwhile was busy on his phone, setting up the file and sending it to his computer at home with a smile. It'll be good to get this ready right away so they can post pictures immediately. He the got an odd feeling, like he was being watched and looked around the room with a frown. "Hello?" He called out, slightly nervous. His gut was screaming at that this was bad but he was just choosing to ignore it for now. At the moment he had work to do and couldn't let himself be sidetracked.

He had been waiting at least three hours when the door to Rosemary's office swung open, and out walked her carrying a spool of thred, needles and a thimble in one hand, and what he thought was Ellie in her other hand, but she looked so different.

Her brown hair was pushed behind her shoulders, a bit of glitter in it and she had mascara, red lipstick and a lovely light green eyeshadow on. The dress she was wearing was lime green with a black belt wrapped around her waist and her blue eues sparkled happily as she looked up at him. 

Ellie could see his chocolate brown eyes on her, and she couldn't help the blush that spread across her ace and lowered her head. "D-Do you like it?" She whispered quietly, closing her eyes.

"Ellie, you look beautiful. Perfect." Mark whispered as he hesitantly took her from Rosemary with a smile. He couldn't help himself, and in the split second Rose wasn't looking he planted a quick kiss on top of Ellie's head earning a small, shocked gasp from his little model.

Her blue eyes widened and she felt herself blush even more. He kissed her! Ellie was speechless as she was set on the table, and didn't hesitate yo take her seat on the spool of thread and looked at Mark with a genuine smile, staring into the camera lens while she ignored a horrid feeling of being watched, and not by Mark or Rosemary.

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