Chapter Fourteen

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Not even an hour after Mark posted the two photo's in the portfolio online, it already had several people sharing them and asking how he did it. Some even complimented Ellie, asking if she was a new model and he would always respond with the same message, telling them that she was new, and this was her first shoot which made it even more viral.  

Ellie was so happy to see that so many people were enjoying her very first photos. It gave her a sense of pride to know that even though she was this small she could really do something that affects humans! As she went to say something to Mark, she felt eyes burning into her and looked to see Bradley staring at her with a small smirk, his eyes looking hungry...and not in a way she liked.

Looking at Ellie, Mark could see how uncomfortable she was and looked at Bradley. "Leave her alone." He said with a growl as he narrowed his eyes at the tiny man, arching an eyebrow as he raised his arms innocently.

"I didn't even say anything or even touch her," Bradley said with a smirk, looking up at the human named Mark. "You're very overprotective, why does she stay with you?" He now had a cocky smile plastered on his face, which Mark did not like one bit.

Ellie quickly interfered, not wanting the two to fight. "I stay because he saved my life and was protecting me. I need it in a giant world like this." Turning her blue eyes up to Mark she gave him a soft smile before looking at Bradley. "So please leave him alone, he just wants me to be safe is all."

Bradley shrugged his shoulders and seated himself on the side of Mark's laptop. "Whatever you say, darling." He murmured, winking at her and she immediately averted her eyes as it made her feel uncomfortable.

Mark sighed quietly and stood up. "Come on you two, let's just get some food." He mumbled with a quiet sigh, looking rather annoyed as he used both hands to lift the two up and left the room with a frown.

The rest of the day and through the night was basically the same, Mark glaring at Bradley, who was constantly trying to flirt with Ellie who always shot him down and stayed near her giant friend. 

Now it's the next day and Mark's taking both of them to the studio building, slightly surprised when Ellie asked to just ride in his shirt pocket while Bradley rode in the camera case. Of course, Mark allowed it, considering she seemed slightly afraid of the other male.

Ellie who was nestled into his pocket, which was right where his heart was and she listened to the thundering heartbeat to relax before the second shoot. She was curious as to what Rosemary had in mind for it, but was certain everything would be just fine as long as Mark was there to protect her as he has been.

As they walked into the building, Mark was surprised as he looked at a vase of roses sitting on the table, as well as petals scattered about. Rosemary stood with her back to them, arranging the flowers in the vase to look a bit nicer before she turned and looked at Mark with a grin. "I have two outfits done, one for Bradley and one for Ellie. I had a wonderful idea that I just had to set up!" She giggled quietly and walked over. "Can I take them both so they can get dressed?"

"Not until you tell me your idea." Mark folded his arms over his chest, careful not to hurt Ellie as he did. He also had a feeling he knew what Rosemary was talking about.

"Well, I made a black dress suit and lovely little red dress. I figured we could a little romance type of shot. Nothing too...intimate. But just enough to look convincing." She smiled, pulling a few tiny clothing items from her jacket pocket.

Something in Mark sparked as she said 'romance' and he immediately did not want to let Ellie do anything romantic with anyone. He could feel Ellie's body tense in his pocket and he looked to Rosemary. "Only two photos." He said sternly, sticking his hand in his pocket and lifted out Ellie in a loose fist.

"Alright, that's fine. I'll get Bradley changed first." Rosemary opened the camera's pocket and pulled out the tiny shirtless man before taking him out and to her office/sewing room. "Here you are." She said with a smile as she handed the suit to him. "I hope it fits alright."

"I'm sure it will. You're a wonderful seamstress." Bradley smiled up at the woman as he walked around behind the sewing machine, out of sight from her as he slipped into the black suit, which surprisingly fit well and was very comfortable. "Thank you." He called out as he walked out from behind it and situated the tie, smiling at her. Obviously, this bit was fake. She doesn't know how he really is.

It was then Ellie's turn, and she put on the slim fitting red dress that went down to her ankles but had a slit in it starting at her thigh. The top of the dress showed a slight bit of cleavage as well, and she quite embarrassed to be seen it but when Mark's eyes landed on her, her face she knew turned a bright red. "L-Let's just get this over with." She giggled quietly as she played with a strand of her hair which was pulled into an elegant bun.

Bradley looked at Ellie and walked over to her, eyeing her with a grin as he gently took her delicate hand in his, kissing her knuckles. "You look lovely." He whispered, narrowing his eyes when Ellie yanked her hand away.

"Like I said. Let's get it over with." She said angrily before looking at Rosemary. "Any poses you had in mind?" She said with a quiet sigh and Rose nodded.

"Yes. I want him to be dipping you, his hand on your thigh. And then you have an arm around his neck, and the other on his cheek, please. And for the second one, just have your foreheads aginst each other, eyes closed. Ellie, both hands will be on his cheeks, and his hands will be placed on your hips." Rosemary smiled. "If we do it right the first time you won't be uncomfortable for long, so please?" She smiled hopefully.

Ellie watched as Bradley nodded, far too eager for this. Slowly, she nodded her head even though she knew this was a terrible idea, and hoped things would go well.

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