Chapter Nineteen

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((Please go to my Q/A book if you have any questions about me. :3 I'd love to hear them.))

~One Week Later~

Mark sighed, washing dishes from dinner three nights ago. For the past week, he's done nothing but stare out his window, eat a little bit, barely sleep. He knew Rosemary was worried, but he also knew that Ellie being dead was all his fault. He could still hear her scream, it haunted him when he tried to sleep.

Hearing his phone ring, he didn't bother to look at the number as he answered with a sad sigh. "Mark Edwards." He mumbled, a feminine voice coming from the other end.

"Mark it's Rose. I hope you know I'll be coming over today to make sure you're doing better and taking care of yourself. I know you're upset but-" 

"Rosemary you don't get it!" He shouted into the phone. "I-I think I loved her!" He then hung up, throwing his already broken phone across the room as tears welled once again. He clutched his head in his hands, dropping to his knees and cried quietly, ignoring the ring of the doorbell.

Rosemary just walked inside and over to the man curled into a ball on the floor, a bathrobe draped over himself as his messy hair hid his face. Crossing her arms, she knelt down beside him with a frown. "Mark, get your butt up and get a shower, you are an absolute mess." She mumbled, grabbing his arm. "If you loved her she wouldn't want to see you like this, okay?" 

Mark sniffed quietly, simply nodding as he left the room reminding Rose of a child. Rolling her eyes, she closed them to wait for her boss when she heard a light tapping, like on glass. Thinking it could be someone at the door, she went and opened it and was quite upset to find no one there. Just as she was about to close the door, a small voice caught her attention. "Rosemary?" It called, weak and faint.

Her eyes scanned the ground, thinking she just imagined it when her eyes caught that bright blue fabric draped on a tiny figure. Her eyes widened as she went over to the window sill. "Ellie?" She whispered. "I-I've got to be hallucinating, y-you died, the roof caved and-" She stopped when her eyes saw she was covered in ash, her leg almost drenched in blood. "Oh my god, get in here right now." Her hands delicately scooped the tiny woman into her palms as she brought her inside.

Relief washed over Ellie as she fell into Rose's palms, closing her eyes and breathing heavily. "Y-You have no idea how t-tired I am...I-I hurt everywhere and need a h-hospital..." She spoke quietly, her broken ankle throbbing in pain. She had wrapped a ripped strip of the dress around it just to keep the bone from popping out anymore, and stop the bleeding just barely.

"We'll get you there. Mark!" Rosemary screamed, frowning. "Skip the shower and just get dressed we need to get to the hospital immediately!" 

Mark's head poked around the door and Ellie stared into his face, missing him dearly. When his chocolate brown eyes landed on her, she watched tears fill them and a smile fell across her tired and dirty face. "M-Mark.." She tried to call out, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Ellie." He murmured before taking off, coming back in less than a minute in sweatpants and t-shirt. "Hold on we'll get you there. Rose get in my car, hold Ellie and make sure she doesn't fall." He ordered as he practically jumped into his car, hands shaking as relief filled him. She was actually alive.

Ellie nestled into Rose's hands, relaxing again. "M-Mark I missed you..." She whispered quietly as she forced her head to turn and look at the human. "I-I thought I wasn't going t-to make it..."

"Don't talk like that. Please. When we get you to the hospital everything will be just fine." Mark said with a determined look in his eyes as he drove. "I won't let anything else happen to you. Not now, not then, not ever again!" He glanced at her before snapping his gaze back to the road.

Rosemary could only smile as she watched the two talk, happy to have them reunited. She was truly worried for Mark's safety when he believed it was his fault she was dead. When he believed he had killed her. "I'm happy to see you, Ellie, we were both very upset. Though Mark should really tell you something before something happens again." She said with a playful smile, Ellie looking up at her with a confused look.

"W-What do you mean?" Ellie mumbled as she closed her eyes, moving her hand and delicately touching her ankle. 

"She doesn't mean anything." Mark said quickly, eyes wide. He couldn't tell her, not just yet. He had no idea how to even say it! He barely even said it to his mother as a child! "Just the fact that I'm glad you're okay." 

"Oh, well that's good too. I-I was so scared during that fire. N-No one even bothered to get me, a-and when you didn't come back..."

"I blame myself, Ellie, let's leave it at that. But, how are you even alive if you don't mind me asking?" He mumbled quietly, Rosemary nodding in agreement.

"W-Well, the roof caved in and luckily a beam was right there. Part of it crushed my ankle, but the rest of it mostly saved me from the flames. Sometimes it pays to be this s-size. But I woke up after the fire was out, drenched in water which made the ash stick to me. And my ankle was like this...the bone is sticking out by the way and hurts a lot so can we hurry please?" She whined, curling into a ball in Rose's hands. She didn't want to tell them that she saw Rosemary there and make her feel guilty. She just hadn't heard her.

"Of course." Mark nodded his head with a smile, continuing the drive and glanced to Ellie was looking at him with a small smile.

"Mark? I'm just going to say it now...before I forget." Ellie looked dead into his chocolate eyes, a small blush spreading across her face. "I missed you way more because...I love you."

Mark's own face flushed as he heard a small giggle come from Rosemary, and taking a small breath he simply smiled. "I love you too."



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