cнαpтer ғoυr // Danger

244 13 1

Four Hours.

Its been four hours Harry has been sitting in the police stations waiting room, Being guarded by two police. Its been four hours since they shoved him into the back of the cop car. Its also been four hours since Louis looked at Harry with a frightened look as they handcuffed Harry. He didnt mean for this to happen, But the investigators also havent asked Harry any questions yet. All he can think about is Louis, thats no shocker though. He has only known the small boy for three weeks, it isnt normal for Harry to have someone on his mind like this 24/7. Louis looked so scared watched Harry be put into handcuffs..

"Police, Open up now!"

Harry turned to Louis as Louis turned to the door. "Its okay, Probably questioning people again" Harry assured Louis, As he nervously got up and opened the door. "Harry Styles, You are under arrest due to evidence of the murders, You are a high suspect!" And with that, Harry was in handcuffs and Louis sad blue eyes watched the curly haired boy being pulled away.

"Come with me, Styles" A man with a briefcase and fancy black suit ordered as the guarding police grabbed Harrys arms and followed the strange man. They brought Harry to a small room with only a gray table, One metal chair on one side and another metal chair on the other. One long dark window covered one side of the wall and Harry knew others were watching and listening.

The police shoved Harry down into the metal chair while the man sat down on the other as the police walked out and slammed the door shut. Everything seemed silent, Only Harrys thoughts being loud in his mind and his heart beating faster and faster every second. 

"My name is Investigator Bruce Smithens, I have been working on this murder case in Holmes Chapel. This town is very safe and it seems strange to me how there has been many murders lately, Dont you think thats strange Mr styles?" Bruce said, Looking up to Harry from the paperwork on the table. Harry has been in this position before, If anything he has to keep calm and unshaken his voice. "Very strange, In fact whats stranger is.. Why am I in here?" Harry asked, Raising his eyebrow and looking as innocent as he could be.  "You are in here because someone told the police about you and how you are the serial killer of the incidents lately. I looked more into it and we found a purple jacket with black letters across it in the washer and dryer room in your apartment building. We asked around and your neighbors said it belonged to you." Smithers crosses his arms and leans back, And Harry could hear people behind the dark glass window whispering. 

"How silly. I would never hurt anyone, Those days are over. I am clean now and a new man. I got the help I needed. I may have the same jacket as this serial killer sir, Im pretty sure a lot of other people in this town have the same jacket since theres only about two or three clothing shops in this small town. And as for that person, What was his or her name? How dare they blame me" Harry answered, Clearing his throat and trying to sound as clear and confirmed as possible. He was trying to hide his anger on the snitcher, Who would do that to Harry? 

"The person is to be remained anonymous. And that is true about the jacket, But im not sure about the whole you being a new man." Bruce looked down at the paper work, Which Harry assumed was his records. "You were very close with your sister Gemma and mum Anne, Am I correct Harry?" He asked, As Harrys fists clenched at the sound of their names. This wasnt going to end well if this conversation was to be carried on. "Yes" Harry answered stern. "They have gone missing and have been missing for five years now Harry, When you were sixteen. It shows here that you turned to alchohal and abuse to others after they went missing yes? But after you being arrested, They sent you to rehab but it shows here you quit. Are you sure you are a better man now Harry? I can see that im making you upset" Bruce smirks, Staring at Harrys clenched fist.

Harry quickly got up, Which made the chair fall to the floor and Smithens to keep quiet. "Dont you mention my sister and my mum in front of me again. I am certainly allowed to get upset over such a thing. I also  see you have no other proof that you think I murdered those people. You cant arrest me with no proof Bruce. Now, I say this session is over." Harry glares with a dark look, And Bruce nods slowly and squints his eyes curiously at the angered boy. The police opened the door and Harry stormed out.


"What did I tell you. What did I fucking tell you Styles!" The dark booming man slammed his fists on his office desk and Harry startled back. "Sir, I didnt get caught. They dont suspect me anymore, I promise you that." He nodded and gulped. 

"Oh, I know they dont anymore. But Im not sure that you are focused on this anymore. I told you, If you do what I ask then I will take care of what you wanted. We had a deal but now you are distracted on some boy! Do you not remember what we did to the other boy you decided to get close with?" He asked, With a dark raspy voice as Harry started getting furious. "You are not to touch him! He has nothing to do with this! I am not distracted!" And with that, Harry walked away and slammed the door behind him. Louis will not get hurt, Harry was to make sure of it.


Harry found Louis leaving a club at 11 at night, Stumbling over his own feet and trying to reach for something to grab on to. Harry laughed to himself at the sight, Because he didnt think Louis would be the one to get drunk. He pulled over to the side of the rode, And got out and grabbed Louis shoulder. "Harreh!" Louis slurred as he saw the green eyes staring back at his blue. "What a niceee suprise! Whatre you doin here?!" He asked as he smiled sloppily as Harry held in his laugh. "I was just heading home until I saw you! Do you want a ride back, Can you even tell me your address right now?" Harry asked as Louis bit his lip and put his finger to his chin and tapped it. "I think its 7656 I like cock street" He nodded and smiled. Harry laughed loudly which made Louis' heart melt. "Ill just let you stay the night at my place tonight" 

"You never called me" Louis said as he looked at Harry. He focused on the road but could feel Louis' eyes burning into his head. "I know, Dont worry about it. They mistaked me for some other guy, Stupid police!" Harry lied. He hated lying but it was all he ever knew to do anymore. "Well yeah cops are dummmbb. Since you didnt call, I was all like 'Oh another guy to kiss and never call!' then so I just happened to find a club and had a few drinks. I started thinking about my life ya know? It sucks so bad" Louis laughed a little at the end, But Harry knew it was a cover up for pain. 

"Why does it suck?" Harry asked biting his lip and looking over to drunk Louis looking sad but frusterated. "My family HATE me because im gay! So they kicked me out in to the streets until a nice looking guy was friendly to me and he was rich too. He brought me into his home and I told him everything and we ended up making love and being boyfriends. All the sudden he went nuts one day after coming home drunk and slammed me to the wall and said how I was a mistake and how he hates me because im gay just like my family does. Then he rambled on about how hes using me. He likes boys too, Which I never understood when he said he hates me but I think he was mocking my family. Every night since, He left bruises scattered around my body and it gotten to the point where I was like.. I was like numb. He always said awful names to me like, 'Ugly' or 'Fat' and way worse names too. So I packed my bags and came here to stay with my buds. But I guess he found me and threatened to kill me for leaving, But dont worry Haz, Im good at hiding!" Louis sighed but was now tearing up. "I need vodka now" louis sighed.

Harrys heart ached for him. He wanted to just pull over and give him a nice big warm hug and tell him how beautiful he is or how hes worth it in so many ways. Harry also wanted to find this guy and stab him, Stab him so he as a slow painful death. He made a silent vow to himself that if he ever comes across this guy, He will torture him for making the beautiful boy in the passenger seat cry. 

"He is an awful person Lou. I would never do that to you. I'll make sure he wont hurt you... Alright? I said it once and I'll say it again." Harry nodded and saw Louis nod and smile a little in the corner of his eye.

That night, Harry cuddled drunk Louis in his arms as he sobbed away. He eventually fell asleep in Harrys arms and Harry wanted it to stay like this forever.



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