Danger - Larry Stylinson

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my tumblr link - http://dangerfic.tumblr.com/



That's all Harry could possibly even feel at this moment in time, Even though it was a cold harsh winter in London and patches of white snow surrounded him. But Harry was still yet so hot, He felt like his bare flesh was going to melt and his heart was going to explode. Harry heard a loud buzzing sound in his pocket... fuck.

Now wasn't really the time for phone calls, Especially once Harry had heard sirens loudly play in the distance. fuck fuck fuck. As the sirens got closer, He ran down the dark alley way with blood staining his rough hands and cold tears running down Harrys hot cheek. The sirens got closer and closer...

Harry woke up with sweat pouring down his face and his heart beating out of his bruised chest. coffee sounds good right now. He looked at his alarm clock, 3am. Groaning, Harry got up and hopped for a quick shower and decided to go the 24 hour coffee shop down the road.


As he walked into the vintage themed coffee shop with the smell of fresh brewed coffee drifted in the air, Harry couldn't help but notice a beautiful brunette with the eyes the color of he ocean with the cutest frustrated look trying to work the cash register.

"Do you need help?" Harry smiled, as the short boy jumped up and cursing under his breath, which Harry found so attractive.

"You startled me" The brunette boy frowned, taking a deep breath. "Um, no that's okay. I think I've got it now."

"Are you new? I come here when I cant sleep, Never have seen you." Harry asked, Noticing the boy shifting uncomfortably behind the counter as he asked the question. "Yeah, I'm Louis. Lou the owner hired me yesterday." Louis nodded, Not making eye contact with Harry.

Harry couldn't help but smile at his awkwardness, it was the most adorable thing.he's witnessed. "Well, Louis, I'm Harry and you're probably going to see me around here a lot. I'd like a regular black coffee please"

Louis nodded and couldn't help but stare at Harrys tattoos scattered all over his muscles and some on his neck. Louis gulped nervously, slightly turned on, Turning away to make his coffee.

"So where are you from Louis?" Harry decided to start a conversation.


"Why'd you decide to move here?" 

And before you knew it, Coffee was split all over the tile floors and Louis' arms were shaking and Harrys first instinct was to run to see if he was alright. "Oh my god, Oh god. I'm an idiot. I'm sorry, You dont have to help-" and Harry just shushed the shaken up boy and cleaned up the coffee. He looked at Louis frowning and looked so scared and broken, Also paler then the white snow that covered the ground outside. What had startled Louis like that? Was it Harrys question? He sure didnt mean to hurt louis. 

The small boys hands continued to shake and Harry grabbed his cold hand and held it in his warm hands and Louis looked up at him. "Hey, Its okay.." Harry whispered as he stared into his eyes. Harry leaned in and pressed his lips to Louis And they automatically connected like two magnets. It was like Louis was made just for Harry and Harry only. Butterflies fluttered all around in his stomach as Louis pulled away with a small smile, but before he started panicking.

"Im so sorry. That was a mistake. I - I" Louis blurted out and got up and threww the papertowels drenched with coffee. Harry got up after him and frowned. "No it wasnt, I did it first. Didnt you feel the spark too?"

Louis turned to him, About to say something before another person walked into the coffee shop. "I'll make your coffee free" Louis started, Grabbing another cup. "Dont worry about it, I have to go and rest. I'll be seeing you again." And with that, Harry left.


"You cant do this right now Styles, no distractions or excuses." The dark mans voice echoed over the other line of the phone.

"You have people watching me?" Harry asked harshly, receiving a evil laugh from the scary man. "Of course we do. I'm telling you now, You dont have time for boyfriends or girlfriends. You have other important things to take care of. If I catch you with him again, Consequences will be involved. Goodbye" 

And with that, The line went dead.



Danger - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now