cнαpтer тнree // Danger

322 19 2

"Nice Place"

Louis said, looking around Harrys small clean and empty apartment. "Not really. I live alone so."  Harry lied, But what else was he supposed to do? 

It was really awkward at first, Especially because of Louis. He sat on Harrys couch quietly for an hour as they (they, as in Harry) talked about favorite tv shows and favorite type of chocolate. "Why are you so quiet?" Harry asked, letting his thoughts get the best of him and finally just blurting it out. Louis looked up, Startled and not really prepared for that question. "Am I bothering you? Im sorry-" Louis started to panic again, but Harry just pressed his lips against louis'.

Louis stiffed up for a couple of seconds before letting his lips press back onto Harrys but then pulling back. 

"Why did you do that?"

"Why did you kiss back?"

And then thats when Louis stood silent again, Astonished and embarresed. Before Harry could even say sorry, A noise coming from the upstairs. shit that was loud. "What was that?" Louis said looking around. "Nothing, Probably neighbors." Harry said quickly changing the subject and deciding to kiss Louis because his lips felt so right connected to Louis. This time, Louis didnt tense up and melted into Harry as he opened his mouth. Harry leaned Louis back onto the couch but he flinched and quickly sat up which caused Harry to get startled.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, My back hurts thats alot" Louis frowned. "You're lying." Harry raised his eyebrow. and once again, he was silent. "Lou take off your shirt, I'll get ice." He said, getting up. "No really Harry im fine!" Louis shouted a little bit, then quickly looking guilty. "I have the softest couch ever, and it wouldnt make you flinch like that. Now take off your shirt so we can take care of it" Harry said, a little bit more firn.

"No!" Louis said, Standing up and grabbing his coat. "Louis, You better sit back down or so help me, I will force that damn shirt off of you! You're hurt!" Harry demanded and Louis quickly obeyed, Scared. He took off his shirt for Louis and Harry saw the most saddest and awful thing.

Bright red infected scratches lit up all over his back with dark purple and black lumps of bruises scattered in with the scratches. It looked bad and it looked like something a hospital would take care of. "Dear lord Lou, What happened?" Harry breathed, not knowing what to do. would ice help or hurt?. "I fell" Louis quickly answered, Already prepared for the question. "Please, Be honest with me Louis." Harry frowned.

Louis put his shirt back on and grabbed his keys and coat, Turning back to Harry as he watched his every movement. "You've only known me for what? A month? You dont actually care and were only new friends. Kissing you was a mistake Harry."  and he walked out. 


Harry walked up the long metal stairs to his secret door, Placing his rubber gloves on his hands and grabbing the key. Opening it, He turned on the bright one light on the cieling and the young woman sat there crying, blindfolded. Harry shut the door behind him and locked it, As he bent down next to the crying woman. "I told you to stay quiet or else." Harry said, As she cried even louder.

"Im sorry-" And Harry placed his index finger to her lips. "I dont want to do this. I've known you for a long time now and you were a good friend, But I have no choice. Just understand." Harry said, As she nodded no but tears streamed down her face. "Please Harry. If I were your friend then you wouldnt do this. I know what youre going through but you cant keep hurting people" She cried, Pleading even.

Harry just got up and grabbed his gun and inserted the bullets, Making her loudly sob and Harrys heart break. "PLEASE HAR-" and the gunshot went off. Right into the heart. Harry forced himself not to cry, Because he got himself into this mess. He cleaned up the blood and got rid of evidence as he drove at 2am to a dark forest and buried her where no one would even think to look. 


"I dont know Niall and Li, I was pretty mean to him" Louis sniffled, holding his knees up to his chest and laying his head down on them as his two best friends sat there and listened to him. "He was so sweet and just cared. But I cant go back to that! Im to scared." Lou whispered, Like he would hear. "Lou bear, You cant hide the rest of your life." Niall said, Rubbing his back to comfort his friend. "I know I cant, But he found my new house and my new number and hes crazy!" Louis cried and facing his face into his knees. "Take this risk. Tell Harry because I know this is bothering you. Niall and me are here to protect you, and maybe he will to. I sadly have something to take care of, But Lou just think about what I said." Liam said giving Louis a hug and Niall, And left.

"Should I tell him Niall?" Louis asked lifting up his head and looking at Niall. "Do whatever feels right." Niall answered, Louis automatically got out his phone and scrolled down to Harry.. Taking a deep breath.


Harrys phone buzzed in his pocket as Harry shoveled the dirt over the womans body, And saw it was Louis. He stopped and answered, "Hello?"

"Harry? Can I come over.. We need to talk."

"Of course. But not now, Im busy. How about an hour? Or will you fall asleep?"

"You know me, I go to sleep late. See you then"

"Okay bye." Harry smiled and hung up and took a deep breath as Liam stepped towards him. "Who was that?"

Harry got startled and looked at Liam. "You shit, It was nobody. Why are you late?" Harry asked. "My friend, He had some problems." Liam answered and looked at the body. "Im really sorry Harry. I know she meant a lot to you." 

"I have no feelings about death anymore. Grab the shovel and dont pitty me"


"His name is Josh. He was my boyfriend for a year before I found out he was abusive.. Theres alot of worse stories but I dont feel like sharing right now. Hes head police officer in Doncaster, he has connections to everywhere and can do whatever he want. I cant call the cops on him because he can get out of it. He always manages to find me and then hurt me. " Louis sighed and forced back tears. Harry pulled him into a  soft hug and stroked his hair, Hoping this wasnt past the friend limit.

"Im so sorry Lou. I wont let him hurt you. I promise." Harry said, Pissed off. Louis was so small and fragile and could be broken in half so easily. He doesnt deserve a huge douche bag to tare him in half and bring him down. Louis deserves a protecter and provider and someone who could love him, Which is exactly what Harry could do. If only it was that easy to tell him.

"Would you like to go on a date with me? We could know each other a little more." Harry smiled as Louis pulled away and smiled right back. "I'd actually love that. Thanks" Louis nodded.

Everything was perfect as Harry held Louis and kissed the top of his head softly, Until a knock on the door came about.


the suspense. well hoped you enjoyed this chapter heheheheh

Danger - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now