Chapter 11 - Witches

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Lizzie's POV

I walked in and went to my locker. I dumped my bag inside and started heading towards my first class which was history. I walked in an started towards the back or the class. Everyone else started filing in. Once everyone was seated the teacher stood up.

"OK class, before we start we have a new student. Miss would you come up?" The teacher asked me.

I walked up to the front. "Tell us a bit about yourself."

"Well, I'm Lizzie. I live with my dad and uncle an we drive around the US for their work." i say an sit back down.

"Well thank you Lizzie. Now class today we are going to be learning about why Witches were burnned in 1669."

"I'm Jake." a boy next to me said with his hand out. I took it.


"We should hang out after school." Jake said.

"Nah, I'm good." I replied.

"Ah come on, it will be fun."

"I'm good."

I spent the rest of the class period writing down notes. When the bell finally rang I grabbed my stuff and walked out towards my next class. After a long 8 hour school day I sat out front to wait for Dean to pick me up. I pulled out my notebook and started doodling. Jake sat down besides me.

"You're good." He said.


"Are you sure you don't want to hang out?" He asked.

"Nope I'm good. I have a boyfriend who would kick your ass."

"Oh really? What's his name?" He teased me.

I looked at him an said the first name that came to my head, "Dean." Did I just say my uncles name? Yeah I did. "Oh and there he is now." I say pointing to Dean's car that had just pulled up. I got up and walked over towards it and got into the front seat. Dean give me a questioning look. I just shook my head and we drove to the motel.

I felt tired so I laid down on one of the beds and closed my eyes. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to a crashing noise. I sat up groggily and looked around. I saw someone in the kitchen. I grabbed my knife from under my pillow and started towards the kitchen. The person turned around. It was a woman. She had shoulder length hair that was blondish brown with green eyes. She was wearing one of Dean's shirts. She looked at me before pulling up her own knife.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked.

"Who the hell am I? Who the hell are you and why are you in my motel room?" She pointed her knife at me.

"Look, I don't know what you had, but this is my motel room that I am staying in with my dad and uncle." I turn around and see Sam behind me. I run behind him still holding my knife ou towards the woman. Sam looked at me than at the woman.

"What the hell is going on?" He said.

"This lady broke in." "Sam this boy broke in." The woman and I said at the same time.

"Boy?!" I ask. "Excuse me I'm a girl." I say. I go to pull my hair in front of my face to find it wasn't there. It was as if someone had cut my hair to make me look like a boy.

"Wait a second!" Sam said. "Dean?" He asked the woman.

"Duh who did you think it was?" She said.

I looked in the mirror an saw I was no longer a girl.

"Who drugged me?" Sam asked.

"I think the better question Sam is WHY AM I A BOY?!?" I yell.

Dean looks at us both for a second. "Son of a bitch."

"What?" Sam asked.

"Witches." He said.

"Son of a bitch!" I say.

Hey guys!!
I'm back with another update!! Finally I'm sorry! I have had a lot of things all happen at once. I was going to go to California for a month, but that isn't happening now(but hey that means more updates!!) and my depression was kinda bad for a couple of days.
All is good now!!
I have been wanting to do this chapter since I first started this book.
So I hope you enjoyed!
(Sorry about all the Author Notes at the en of each update, I don't like doing the whole chapter than an update thing)
Please leave me comments about any questions you have on this story or my other stories! I enjoy hearing form you guys!

Next update should be soon, sometimes this week hopefully!

Also. OVER 100 READS!!! OMG GUYS!!! That's amazing! I know it's not as impressive as 1K but I think it is just as amazing!! Thank you all!!

Thanks for Reading!
Have a great day =D

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