Chapter 8 - I'm Sam, Sam Winchester

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Sam's POV

I walked into the library, the letter was still in my hands. I sent it down on the table and sat down. I put my head in my hands. I heard Dean come in.

"Sammy what's wrong." i heard him pick something up. "I know what will cheer you up Sam, a case-"

"No Dean that is what will cheer you up not me." i stormed off into my room.

Time Skip ahead for 2 Months

Lizzie's POV

I handed the man his beer. He winked at me. I rolled my eyes. Just one more night till i can give up this job. I have been doing odd jobs ever since i had left. I have worked as a waitress, a maid, now a bartender. I guess it wasn't that bad, it paid well. But some guys had no definition of personal space. I moved over to the opposite counter where a man had just sat down.

"What can i get ya?" i ask him.

"I'll just have a beer."

I handed him his beer a second later. "What's eatin ya?" i ask.

"That obvious huh?" i nodded. "A friend of mine left without any explanation 2 months ago and they haven't contacted me at all."

"Well i'm sorry, i kinda have gone through something similar recently. Well i hope you find your friend - um i didn't catch your name."

"Sam, my name is Sam Winchester. What about yours."

I looked up at him. His face was a little puffy. He was dressed in his FBI clothes, so he was working a case. "Elizabeth Chester." I was bad at coming up with fakes names. "So what brings the FBI to Texas?"

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"Well i just assumed you were FBI considering you are wearing a suit and your badge is showing in you pocket." I say with a smile.

"Oh well me and my partner are looking into the Murders recently." He said sounding suspicious.

"Oh really, i thought they were already solved. It seems odd that Mr. Anderson would kill his wife, they were so happy together."

"What can you tell me about Mr. Andersen Miss?" he said.

"Not much, but i bet your partner can tell you something." I say pointing at Dean who was now coming and sat down next to him. He looked at me.

"Hey Sweetheart." Dean said flirting with me.

"Hey Dean. Can i get ya anything?" I ask.

"How do you know my name?" He said. Crap.

"Um Sam here told me." i say handing him his beer. "Well if that's all boys, i am going to go." i head towards the door, when i hear them say.

"Sam why do you need to tell her our real names?" Dean asked.

"Dean, i swear i didn't tell her your name, I think she is a hunter, She knew we were on a case. She obviously knew at you, did you sleep with her?"

I quickly walked out back and got into my car and drove to my motel. That's it I need to leave now. I pack up my stuff and set them in the backseat of my car. I go and check out of my room. I quickly get back into my car. I drive a little ways before i see the Impala driving towards the motel. Well they are good, i'll give them that. I quickly drove to South Dakota. I was going to the one person i knew who i could hide out with.

Sam's POV

"Dean she isn't here anymore." I said as we opened the door to her room. Everything was neatly placed, maybe the maid came in.

"Why is she running from us? She can't be that stupid, i mean she does have you're brains Sammy." Dean said. I was about to say something when Castiel appeared next to Dean.

"Cas, what is it?" Dean said.

"I found her."


Hey Y'all!!!

WOW this story has over 50 reads!! I was not excepting that at all. Thank you guys sooo much!

Sorry this is such a short chapter, BUT the next one i am going to make even longer(probably my longest one yet)

Also i'm sorry for not sticking to the every other day updates like i was in the beginning, but i haven't been idle, i have been writing up chapters but i keep forgetting to post them(sorry 'bout that) I am going to post a bunch of chapters, either today or tomorrow or sometime this week, soo stay tuned.

If y'all have any questions or ideas, i would love to hear your feedback.

Thanks for reading!!!!

Have a marvelous day =D

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