Chapter 10 - I think i'm going crazy

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Dean's POV

"OK so get this, apparently there is a bunch of high school students are going missing and then being found with their kidneys missing in Lawrence Kansas." Sam said reading off his computer. "And right before they went missing."

"So what you thinking Witches?" i ask.

"Sounds like it. Some witches believe that eating human organs makes them live forever.."


"And i'm guessing i'm going to be undercover at the school?" Lizzie asked while sipping her coffee.

"Bingo." Sam said.

We packed our bags and told Bobby we were heading out. I grabbed Lizzie's bags so she didn't have to juggle her bags with her broken arm. We set our bags in the trunk of my baby. I got into the driver's seat. Sam helped Lizzie in the back, before getting into the shotgun. I pulled out or Bobby's an got onto the freeway.  We drove the 5 hours to Lawrence. Once we got there we checked into a motel. Lizzie walked in and laid down on the couch. A second later i heard her lightly snoring. I grabbed a blanket and laid it on top or her. I watched as Sam laid down on his bed and soon was asleep. I decided i should sleep too. I got into my bed and fell asleep.

Sam's POV

I woke up to a sound in the kitchen area. I opened my eyes and saw Lizzie making some coffee. I looked at the clock, it read 3:27 am. I got up and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey liz, what are you doing up." I asked her.

"Couldn't sleep." she sounded scared.

"What's wrong?"

"It's uh nothing."

"Lizzie you can tell me anything." i give her a hug and look at her.

"Well uh i think i uh am sortagoingcrazy." she mumbled the last part.

"You're what? Wait are you pregnant?" i asked.

"What? No. i think i'm going crazy."

I looked at her. "What makes you think that?"

"Sam, what color is my cast?" She asked me.

"It's white."

"Are you sure? Because i see it as purple and then sometimes it goes red or it disappears making me think i only have one arm." she sat down crying now. "What's wrong with me?"

I sit down next to her. "Nothing baby, we will figure it out."

She gets up and sits in my lap and nestles her head into my chest and cries, soaking my shirt. I wrap my arms around her and rub circles on her back. Her crying stops and she just hiccups. I start to fall asleep when i hear her whisper "i love you daddy."

"I love you too sweetie."

We both woke up to Dean talking to someone. We realized it was Cas. Lizzie got up on my lap and walked over to them.

"Morning Princess." Dean said.

"Dean i will kick your ass if you call me that again." Lizzie said.

"Well isn't someone happy." He replied.

"I would be if i didn't have to go to the stupid school."

"Aw come on you'll love high school." I said.

"No dad, I will not love School."

"Whoa Sammy your kid doesn't like school?" Dean said with a laugh.

Lizzie went to get ready for school. She came out a second later with a black crop top and a red and black flannel over it. She also had the shortest shorts i had ever seen. Her hair was up in a messy bun.

"Whoa, what are you wearing?" i asked her.

"Well, if i'm going to high school i might as well fit in." She said as she grabbed her bag and put on her knee high boots.

"Go change. You look as though you are trying to attract boys." i say.

"An that is such a bad thing because?" she asked putting her hands on her hips.

"Because i know how they think."

She stomped off back to the bathroom. She came out a second later with a black tee shirt and black jeans that had rips in them. "Let's go." she replied.

We got into the car and she pulled out her headphones and put them in. We drove to the school an she got out.

"Dean or i will pick you up after." i say.

"Ok see ya later." i watched her as she made her way up to the school.


Hey Y'all!!

So this is more of a filler chapter, sorry. I realized when editing some things through various chapters, that Lizzie and Sam didt really act like father and daughter so that is mostly what this chapter was for. I made Lizzie a lot like Dean, but for a lot of things she is more like Sam.

And i'm sorry if the chapter seems rushed or bad but i have something cool coming up with this book.


I have decided i am going to be writing another Supernatural Fanfic, i am most likely going to post the first chapter either today or tomorrow. The book is called Hope Isn't Far Away.

Thanks for Reading!!!!

Please leave comments if you have any ideas or questions, i would love to hear them!

Have a great day =D

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