The Nightly Capture

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Chase Pov
Pepper poked her head into the room "Ready Chase?" She asked as Chase nodded walking out with her "Trust me its not as bad if Sweeties not trying to get the crown" Pepper added smiling as Chase sighed "Thats one load off my mind" He yipped as Pepper smiled walking into a room where a greyish white pup was sitting and turned around "I see your here Chase come" He boomed as Chase followed Along with Pepper as Hive held a Spy Suit infront of Chase "This is what you'll be wearing tonight" He added as Chase put it on as Pepper smiled "I think it looks good on you" She explained as Chase smiled back "We'll leave you know" Hive added as Pepper walked out "Do not let that crown get stolen or....nevermind" Hive grunted walking out "Geez He's as grumpy as Root but...he looks a lot like ugh nevermind i have a crown to defend" Chase muttered walking around and sniffing for anything unusual "Nothing strange here hang on..." He trailed off and sniffed pointing his tail up,"Someones here" He whispered shuffling through a hallway "I have no idea who this even is" Chase added stopping at a dead end "Oh Well" He added walking back and smelling the scent again and hearing a rustling and then sniffed and shrugging looking around as a shadowy figure walked up behind him and Chase turned around "Who is there?" He yelped as he was knocked out by the bat it was holding and he was dragged away.

In the Morning Thorn Pov
Thorn yawned as she trudged into the castle with Rose and Shell to see how Chase did as Flutter ran up to them panicked "Whats wrong Flutter?" Rose asked as Shade arrived beside her tilting her head "Its...Chase.....He's gone missing" She explained as they all gasped "What do you mean he's gone missing???" Thorn yapped as Flutter shrugged running to a room where Pepper was looking at the cameras while shooting glares at Root and Hive "I told you it...was...wrong to let him go on his first guard duty...on...his...own AND WHAT DID YOU DO YOU JUST LET HIM GET CAPTURED HOW ARE YOU GOING TO EXPLAIN THAT TO HIS FREINDS HUH?" Pepper yelled causing Root to frown angrily "Pepper im sure they'll understand" Hive yipped "SURE THEY'LL UNDERSTAND HE WASNT PROTECTED!" Pepper yowled slamming her paw on the table causing Root to flinch a bit and he huffed as Thorn stood by Pepper who was about to walk away."Why did we need him anyway? He's a newbie for all i know of course he would of done a terrible job!" He shouted as Rose,Thorn,Shell,Shade and Flutter all glared at him "Girls we're calling his freinds over here" Pepper whispered glaring at Hive and Root as she walked away "Are you Okay Pepper?" Flutter asked as Pepper sighed "No Its just no pups ever got taken before just...why now?" She replied shaking her head "Alright Thorn,Shade can you see where they took him?" Pepper asked as Thorn nodded smiling at Shade "Flutter,Go to SnowDrop she has their number tell her what happened and we should be able to get them over here but we must make sure not to put them in danger as well Shell,Rose we can meet with them when they arrive" Pepper explained as Thorn turned to Shade "Lets go" Shade yipped leaping off as Thorn followed.

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