Bleach Preferences- Baking Time!

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(A/N Sorry it's so short! Yesterday was a really bad day, but I wanted to make sure I updated something today!)

Baking Time!

Kensei- He's probably the most helpful person ever in the kitchen, especially when it comes to reaching high items on the shelves, he'll read the ingredients out to you. When your arms get tired he takes over, and you enjoy sitting back and watching the big, silent, tough warrior concentrating so hard on stirring a mixing bowl of brownie batter. The one unspoken rule however is as follows: You can never tell ANYONE about his love of baking. Especially Shinji and Love. Or show the picture of him wearing an "I <3 Baking" apron you convinced him to wear.

Jushiro- When you're baking he tries so hard to be helpful, unfortunately it appears he hasn't spent much time in the kitchen. So he's constantly in the way, and then he gets embarrassed and apologetic about it, he turns red and it's rather adorable. He enjoys scraping out the bowl when you're done though, he's kind of reminds you of a puppy. He loves sitting and watching you bake and trying to learn to imitate how you do it, so he can be more help later. However when you run out of an ingredient he'll flashstep as quickly as possible to get it, so it works out great. 

Shunsui- He.Is.A.Pain. Every time you turn around to get another ingredient by the time you turn around he has a spoon/fork/finger in your batter/dough eating it. It drives you up the wall, you spend a lot of time smacking his hand with spatulas and wooden spoons. He'll also sit there and try to distract you with something so he can snitch more, better yet, when you are making cookies, if you turn away to get the cookie sheet, your cookie dough bowl will "magically" does Shunsui.

Shinji- He spends the entire time telling you how adorable you are when you're bossy (a.k.a when you're trying to throw him out of the kitchen), or he'll sit and whine about not being able to help. He also has a habit of reversing things including your cookbook so you can't read it. When that happens you'll hit him with a piece of some type of food item, and he'll throw food back, then it's a full fledged food fight. So you absolutely refuse to let him help out, and you'll kick him out of the kitchen. Otherwise you'll never have food/dessert. Ever.

~Guest Appearance! Kisuke Urahara~

Kisuke- He'll help, but he'll also complain the whole time, about how it's dumb to cook when you could just pick up a phone and get take out, or get pizza, or go to the store. You always ignore him and hand him a whisk or something. It's so dumb because he's actually an amazing cook, in fact he's the best cook you've ever known, he's just lazy and whiny. Whenever he complains too much you cut him off with a spoon full of batter. He typically works better afterwards anyways.

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