The Angel and the Warrior (Kensei Murguruma x Shy!Reader) **STORY or Oneshot**

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(A/N Should I continue this? or leave it like it is? I can't choose)

*Y/N's POV*

(Y/N) Rivers was sitting on the edge of the river, dipping your feet in the water you're your face turned to the sun. The wind blew hair away from your face, and you started humming a little song to yourself (Dango Daizokou for the curious ). Daydreaming, you was oblivious to the approach of the captain of the 9th Division, Kensei Murguruma (a.k.a. your biggest crush), and even when he drew close you was so lost in your own world, you didn't even sense him. You were slowly falling asleep and didn't realize it until you realized you was falling into the ice, cold water, you let out a small scream of shock. All of a sudden a rough hand grabbed the back of your (F/C) sun dress and yanked you back up to the bank, setting you roughly on the ground. "What the heck are you doing? You trying to drown?" Came a rough voice, turning you saw the Captain standing there, your whole face turned red, trembling you tried to explain, "I...I was...." Kensei squatted down and looked you dead in the eye, he...he smiled!? It was terrifying! "You were what?" you were trying so hard to keep it together, but he was so scary! You burst into tears and hid your face, Kensei sat there with a shocked expression.

*Kensei's POV*

I was walking towards the river, it should be quiet this time of day. Nothing like a quiet, early morning when they're so rare here....Especially with Mashiro. I halted at the edge of the trees, it was her. I hesitated going forwards; I didn't want to disturb her. I literally had the biggest crush on this girl, not that I'd ever tell anyone, I had seen her a few times around the place, but she always ran away from everyone. She looked so peaceful, I tried approaching her once, but she saw me coming and ran away, I think she thought I was going to yell at her, or something. I noticed she started slipping into the water. Was she asleep!? Right as she was about to go headfirst I flashstepped and grabbed the back of her dress, yanking her backwards I set her on the ground. "What the heck were you doing? You trying to drown?" I winced slightly, that came out a lot harsher than I intended, "I....I was...." She stuttered out, she looked terrified of me, I squatted down to be more on eye level with her and looked her in the eye and tried to smile as nicely as possible, "You were what?" I asked trying to be gentle, all of a sudden she burst into tears. I was dumbfounded, "Great, what do I do now?" I thought to myself, "I wish Shinji or Rose were here..." I carefully reached out my hand and tried to gently pat her on the head, "Hey...It's okay." I tried thinking of something nice to say, "You just need to, uh, be more careful. You could've gotten hurt." I wanted to smack myself in the face.


You felt someone pat you on the head, it was a little harder than you think they meant, looking up slightly with tears running down your face, you saw Kensei looking really awkward, "Hey...It's okay." He looked lost for a second, "You just need to, uh, be more careful. You could've gotten hurt." He said roughly. You nodded slightly raising your face to his, you said quietly, "Thank you." You shivered slightly, from fear or cold, you had no clue. Trying to stand up, you stumbled from the panic attack, they always left you exhausted, you felt hands grab you and steady you. You looked up and Kensei was looking at you funny, blushing madly you stammered out, "I'm...fine." All of a sudden you started to fall, you were so tired, and he got this stubborn look on his face, you let out a little gasp as he lifted you off the ground, bridal style, and started walking back towards the Seireitei. Grabbing onto his haori tightly, you couldn't help but notice he smelled good. Next thing you know, you're back at the Seireitei at your division. Lieutenant Kotetsu ran out with a worried look on her face, "Y/N-chan!" she looked up at Kensei, "Is she alright? What happened?" Kensei was holding on to you tightly, as he walked into the 4th Division, "She was down at the river, I think I may have accidentally scared her, she had a panic attack." You looked up at him, and couldn't help but blush at the fact you were so close to your crush. He set you down, as gently as he could manage, you looked up at him and smiled, "Thank you." You noticed with a shock, he turned slightly red and looked away, "It was nothing, just be careful." He said roughly and walked out, you looked down a little, sad and happy, and smiled slightly to yourself.

*Kensei's POV*

She looked up at me with her beautiful (E/C) eyes, she had tears running down her face, I really did scare her, she said quietly, "Thank you." I tried hard to ignore this feeling I felt when she said that, I noticed she shivered and then she tried standing, she started falling so I caught her and steadied her when I thought she was steady enough I let go, was she hurt? Her face turned bright red, she stammered again, "I'm...fine." Then she started falling again, she sat down on the ground, she looked exhausted. There was no way I was letting her walk back to the Seireitei in this condition, I lifted her effortlessly off the ground bridal style, I started walking back to the Seireitei. I noticed she grabbed tightly onto my haori, and she started drifting in and out of sleep. We arrived at the 4th Division and the Lieutenant ran out worried, "Y/N-chan! Is she alright? What happened?" The last part directed to me, I answered, "She was down at the river, I think I may have accidentally scared her, she had a panic attack." I glanced down slightly and noticed she was staring at me, she had a blush on her face, I quickly looked away so she wouldn't notice I saw her. I set her down as gently as I could manage on the bed, "Thank you." Came the soft voice, I felt my face burn slightly and I looked away from her, "It was nothing, just be careful." I said roughly as I walked away. After I had left the building and knew the Lieutenant had her in good care, I stopped. Smacking myself in the face hard and shaking my head, "Great going, Kensei." I said to myself, and I sat down on the bench and tilted my head back. That was not supposed to go like that.

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