Knew You Were Trouble (Aro Volturi for VolturiRose)

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Aro Volturi One Shot for VolturiRose

(Marcus and Aro are not married.)

Charecters:                                        Played By:

Luna Volturi (Hasama)                       Lucy Hale

Alyssa Volturi (Hasama)                   Selena Gomez

Since the year 1843 i have loved him. Him being the man with the beautiful red eyes that always seem to be thinking. Waiting for the perfect opertunity to kill.

The one with the soft looking shoulder lenght brown hair. It always was perfect, much like his angelic pale face. His black suit was perfectly tailored to fit his tall figure.

This man was Aro Volturi. One of the 3 leaders.

He was the most sinister even though he covered it up with his happiness and brilliant smile showing his straight white teeth.

Here he stood by his throne, in front of Felix and Demetri, who were both holding a vampire on his knees.

His name.... Tyler Nemore.

"You know better than to hunt in daylight with humans around." Caius sneered at the man. "You planned intentionally to expose us."

"I did no such thing!" The man hissed but was cut off by his painful scream, caused by Jane. She stood beside Caius next to Alec, her twin brother. Speaking of twins.....

I looked toward my sister Alyssa.

Alyssa looked so much like me that it was hard to tell the differance. I was taller of course being 5'6 and my sister being 5'5. We both had long black hair and red eyes.

When we were human the only way to tell us apart was to look into our eyes.

Mine were a light crystal blue like my mother's. Alyssa's were a dark blue, much like our father's. It was no secret our father adored us and loved to spoil us rotten.

Mother often scolded him on it.

I felt a nudge on my hand and looked down to see Alyssa's tanging into mine.

She hated this part. The part where the vampire dies a horriable death after being interogated and torchered my Jane.

Alyssa has always hated death and anything to do with it. Starnge considering we were souless creatures ourselves and had to kill for servival.

"......And for that you shall die." Caius threatened.

"Now, now Caius." The amazing man in front smiled at his brother. "Lets not be to hasty. Let's hear the man out, shall we?"

It may have been frazed as a question but it was far from it. It was more an order. Everything was more an order with Master Aro. Even after all these years i still called him that when i was thinking about him. I had done that for over a century. (100 years)

Cauis glared at Tyler without answering Aro. Marcus merely sat there, examining Tyler.

Occasionally he would glance in our direction, merely to see my sister and make sure she was all right.

It was no real secret they had feelings for eachother. Everyone knew it.

My sister has always been in love with the silent, book reading master. She was so shy and giggly when ever she was around Master Marcus.

Another way my sister and i were differant. Our styles.

My sister, being 12 minutes younger was a sweetheart. She was always kind to everyone no matter who they were. She was also always happy. And i do mean always. She can go from sad for barely a minute to extremely excited the next.

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