Chapter 9

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(If you've been reading this story before I updated this chapter, please go back and read the last couple sentences of the previously updated chapter, for I have edited it and the detail is important. Thank you. Have a nice day/night/apocalypse/next twelve hours, or whatever is ahead of you in this fine period of time.)

Piper's POV

Percy's eyes widened. "Schist."

"Huh?" I ask.

"Nothing. Inside joke."

"I'm starting to wonder about these inside jokes of yours," Annabeth responded. "I'm growing worrisome of what goes on in your seaweed brain."

Nico was growing impatient. "Will you two just pick already?"

"Fine," said Percy. "We chose-"

"Dare." Annabeth interrupted her boyfriend. "We chose dare."

"Why did you interrupt me?"

"Because you were going to say truth."

"No, I wasn't."

"You were. And truth is a very bad idea."

"Fine, I was going to say truth. You're right, Wise Girl." A grin spread across his face. "Again."

Nico groaned. "But I had a good truth!"

"See what I mean?" Annabeth gestured to Nico.

"Hey," I said. "If you don't have a dare idea, can I dare them?"

"Sure, but you have to let me know what it is first."

I whispered the dare in Nico's ear.

"Yes. That's good. Tell them."

I turned to Percy and Annabeth. "Go on Facebook and pretend to break up. Make it convincing. Wait until the majority of the camp freaks out before announcing that it was fake. The rest of us will play along and act as though it's real if we make any comments. Remember, if you have to tell them it was a dare, and why you followed through with it, all of this was Nico's idea." I used a tad of charmspeak in the last sentence.

Percy and Annabeth laughed. Percy exclaimed, "I actually kind of want to see their reactions! But how do you know the camp will freak out?"

"I live in the Aphrodite cabin, just trust me on this one."

With that, the couple took out their phones and got to work on the dare, a task they were willing to complete.

"No!" Nico cried. "You know what the Aphrodite cabin will do when they find out I let you do that? I mean, look at my outfit!"

"I think it's a fabulous outfit," Leo said.

"Shut up, Flame Boy."

"Never!" Leo yelled as he lit his hands on fire.

Nico gave up on Leo being... well, Leo, and faced Percy and Annabeth again. "You can't tell everyone that I dared you to do that! It was Piper's idea, anyway! Tell on her!"

"You sound like a whiny little kid," Leo pointed out. Then, he attempted to mimic the son of Hades. "'I want McDonalds!' 'I don't want to play with the other kids, I want to play with my skeleton army!' 'It was Piper, not me!'"

"Don't worry, Nico," Percy said, typing on his phone. "We won't tell them it was you. I'll make sure they know it was Piper."

"No!" I said, with al the charmspeak I could muster (am I using the word 'muster' correctly? It looks like it fits, but I don't know if it's out of context...). "Tell them it was Nico!"

"Sorry, Nico," said Annabeth, staring at her screen. "Got to go with what Piper said."

Jason shot me a glare that said, You shouldn't use charmspeak like that! 

I responded with a look that asked, Do you want my siblings to kill me?

For more details on the dare and how campers reacted (or pretended to react, if they were playing the game) go read my latest chapter of Facebook; A Percy Jackson Story! Also, please comment your lovely (or not so lovely) opinions below!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2014 ⏰

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