Chapter 3

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Leo's POV
Nico and I were talking in my cabin when Percy and Annabeth entered and asked if we wanted to play Truth or Dare. Nico said he had to go to training, but I knew he just didn't want to be social with more than one person at a time. I didn't try to stop him from leaving after he promised Percy and Annabeth he would go get the Stolls.
"Shall I go get some others?" I asked.

Soon enough, Piper, Jason, Annabeth, Percy, Travis, Connor, and I were all sitting in a circle in the middle of cabin 9.
"So, Jason," Percy asked. "Truth or dare?"
"Dare, easy."
Percy smiled, as if everything was going as planned. I knew he and Annabeth were biding their time to get revenge on the Stolls, and I was willing to help in any way possible. After what had happened on our last big quest, spiders were NOT cool.
"I dare you," Percy said, "to fly around camp, pick up a random person, and bring them back to this cabin to join the game."
Jason and I shared a look. I think we both knew exactly who would be joining the game...

A/N Who's joining the game? Tell me your predictions in the comments! I'm also going to need truth or dare suggestions (in the comments, please), so get to work, my lovelies! Sorry about the short chapter, but I really wanted to leave you guys on a cliffhanger... #sorrynotsorry!

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