Chapter 26

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“You what?” Josh's sister says. “He was trying to bite Julie, so I killed him. And in the process he bit me. I am a werewolf instead of Julie. I would do it again if I had to,” Ryan says. 

Erin screams, “How dare you kill my little brother! He loved Julie! That was it! He wasn't hurting her!”

Ryan looks furious. “I don't care if Josh loved her! I love her more!” He yells out. Ryan leans in close to Erin's face. “I love Julie. Not you. I don't care that Josh loved her. I love her more.” The quiet tone he uses is scarier than any yell he could muster. Erin takes a step back. Ryan says, “When I kissed you, I pretended it was Julie.” Erin steps back again. She  looks close to tears. “Julie is so much better than you. She would never trick someone into liking them.” Tears fall from Erin's eyes. She steps back again then sprints into the forest. Ryan loves me and no one else. Ryan

I run to Ryan. I look up at his face. His blue eyes search mine as if looking for forgiveness. I stand up on my tip-toes and kiss his lips. The kiss becomes more desperate. I haven't kissed Ryan in so long. His hands cup my cheeks and my hands are around his waist.

He whispers, “I love you.” I laugh quietly a little. “I love you too.” Matthew says something I don't hear. I don't want to see or hear Matt. I only want to be with Ryan. Matthew speaks up louder. “What about us?”

I pull away from Ryan and walks to Matthew. My decision ha been made.

“Matthew. I love you as my friend. You're amazing in every way. But Ryan is my one. He is the only person I have and ever will love like this. You and I have had so much friends. This sounds like I'm breaking up with you, but in a way I am. I know this has probably ruined our friendship and I hope it hasn't. Go find someone that loves you as much as I love Ryan. Okay?” His eyes wander to look at Ryan, then look at me. His answer is soft and quiet, “Okay.” I hug him tightly like someone would hug their brother. In a way, that is what he is to me.

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