Relationship Problems

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A/N; Okay, before I get this chapter started, I just wanted to say that I MAKE THIS UP AS I GO. So don't criticize me about my writing because I don't know what goes on in this mind of mine when I begin writing. Also, I upload when I hit a certain amount of reads. For my last chapter, I thought I would upload at 10 reads so when I got 10 reads, I started writing this chapter.

So for the next chapter, I'll upload when I get 15 reads, okay? Yay! So let's get this chapter started~


-Arisa's POV-

Ever since Brian cheated on me, I've been kind of depressed lately. Last night when Ly came back and Julia was all over her, it reminded me of Brain and I...

"What am I even saying?!" I thought to myself. "He cheated on me.. With a guy! Why should I still care?!" I couldn't stop crying and thinking over the fact that Brian isn't mine anymore in my head. "Hold on. What did you say, Ari?" I heard the familiar Mullingar accent say, the voice getting closer. "Did I say that outloud?" I managed to mumble. "I think.. But what did you say?" And that's when I broke down.

-Julia's POV-

As I sat down next to my sister, I could see her eyes leaking salty, clear, drops of water. I heard her mumble something that sounded sort of like, "Did I say that outloud?" but I couldn't quite understand her so I said, "I think so.. But what did you say?" At that moment, she absolutely lost all control of her tears.

I knew Brian and her weren't a thing anymore but I didn't know why. I figured this is what she was sobbing over. I gently hugged her and comforted her while she told me what happened.

"Well you see, Julia, I was with Brian on Friday watching Dr. Who when someone walked through the door. I could sense Brian getting nervous so I got up, out of his lap, and walked over to the door. I saw another boy, about our age, at the door. He seemed confused and said, 'Bj? Why is this girl here?' Brian quickly got up, tears in his eyes.

'Tyson, this is Arisa. My... Girl.. friend.' And that's when Tyson slapped him hard across the face. I could see Tyson crying, too. 'Babe? What's going on?' I said. And that's when I got shoved out of the apartment. I got a text the day after that happened, Saturday, and it said, 'Hi Arisa.. I just wanted to clarify that Tyson was my, uhm, boyfriend. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.. And I think we should see other people.. -Brianxx,' That's was happened Julia.."

Arisa finished her story, bringing tears to my eyes and a wave of rage over my body.

No one makes Arisa sad. Or mad. Or any other negative feeling. No one.

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