13 guys for 13 suitcases

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“Okay well are you guys coming to drop us off?” I asked hoping that they would say yes because they are amazing.

“Of Course we are your our daughter and Rose is our Granddaughter we never thought we would have grand-kids but you made it possible which is amazing” William said and tears welled up in my eyes I gave him a hug and felt truly happy.

“So is everything packed?” Tracy asked they had paid for a private jet and 2 cars for when I get there because I have 13 suitcases between me and Rose I told them I would pay extra for the bags but yeah they insisted.

When we got to the airport 13 men came and got my suitcases and then 2 got my carry on I had a pram crib about 6 pairs off clothes 20 nappies and a whole lot of baby food toys her special blanket I got her when she was born it was a picture of Trey and Me He was acting Like a Goof and I was smiling it was from the first day we met he came up and asked me out and because he seemed nice I said yes but only if he took a photo with me. And so he did and we went on out first date to a romantic restaurant and just talked when I got cold he gave me his jacket walked me back to Nicks and gave me a kiss goodnight. He knew I was 16 and he was 17. He was amazing a perfect gentleman and was always there for me called me when he said he would, came to see me whenever he could he even helped me study. I loved him we had dated for 2 years and then I got pregnant and knowing it was him I knew we would be okay and even before I got pregnant he gave me a promise ring, when I got pregnant he was so happy he got me a diamond ring and I kept it on until I got there but I put it on before I came back.

“Its been amazing seeing you and as I said the other day come see me whenever even while I am on tour with the lads” I said as I got Rose out of the car seat and it was put on the plane.

“We know and we will see you for birthdays, Christmas’s soon enough you’ll be sick of us” Tracy said tears rolling down her Cheeks I gave them both hugs and kisses and a hug from Rose.

“Never” I said as I got on the plane.

While we were in the air I called Liam and asked him where they were and now they were in New York. I said I have a life so don’t come and pick me and Rose up and said they had a surprise for Rose and me.


When we landed 13 men came and got my suitcases and 2 got my carry on they also put her car seat in and then I sat in the back with her she played with my fingers for the hour long drive Rose was an amazing baby she was great in trips and always made me smile I saw so much of Trey in her but she was also a lot like me she had my eyes but the cute nose trey had.

When we got to the guys there was two busses the 13 men all got the suitcases out and put them in my bus the other 2 men got my carry on and I got Rose out and the other man went and put it in my bus he also took the pram. I went and knocked on the door, Niall came to the door he was yelling until I shushed him and he tiptoed back to the lounge room hushing the other lads. I walked in holding Rose and then Liam’s face lit up they all gave me a kiss on the cheek and Rose one on the forehead they did it really soft as if they were scared they would break her.

I asked if they would come and show me my bus so I could put her down and start un-packing. When we walked out my cars were still waiting I walked over to the drivers and paid them with the money Tracy gave me before I left, not only did I they put about $20,000 dollars in my account every month they also pay for everything when I’m there and put an extra million for Christmas. I also got the life insurance. I will probably be a millionaire when I am 20 and I mean it’s nice to have that but I feel like it should all be Treys. Anyway the lads looked at me and I laughed.

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