Movie Time

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"Liammmmm" Harry yelled running out of the bus 
"They made a mistake and got us a bus with 6 beds and who's this" He said smiling at Violet.
"Harry this is my kid sister Violet, Vi this is Harry, Niall, Louie and Zayn" he introduced them all and they each gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"And guys Vi is coming with us on tour because my mum is a total cow" He said and they all helped me with my bags I got the bed at the far end i started to make it with my Cinderella sheets and my Giant elephant teddy and purple pillow I stacked all my books in the little cupboard with my DVD collection and put ncis season one in my mini TV DVD player that was built into the roof of my bunk and then got out and went and sat in the Lounge area, I put my iPod on and put scar by missy Higgins and stated singing not realizing that the guys were standing meters away from me listening "A triangle trying to squeeze through a circle " And then I heard clapping and turned around the guys were just staring at me. "Vi when did you start singing" Liam asked an amazed look on his face "Ummmmm when I was in Australia" I said "Was I that bad don't worry I won't butcher anymore songs. "No you have an amazing voice,” Zayn said smiling. I smiled back at him and got lost in his eyes but then Niall ran and got his guitar and a keyboard. The guys asked me to sing one of there songs and I said I would sing what make you beautiful. "And that's what make you beautiful" and they all clapped again, "So as a tradition we all have a movie Night on first night but we've never had a girl so you can pick 3 movies to watch" Harry said 

"How about all the transformers I have them in my bunk room thingy" She suggested
"Yeahhhhhh" They all yelled and Niall ran to her bunk and got it when he came back he asked vi "Why is your bunk all Cinderella made"
"My dad used to call me his little princess and then I said that I wanted to be Cinderella and so when he was killed I just always have Cinderella around" She answered and then went to get her pyjamas on she came back in pink pyjama shorts and a tight purple singlet her Hair was out and she had 2 bowls of pop corn she went and sat next to Liam but Niall complained because he wanted her to sit with him so she went and sat on the couch next to him and rested her head on his lap.
"Everyone cosy” harry asked looking at Violet then he pressed play.

"Goodnight guys" She said after the second one finished and she gave them all a kiss in the cheek "Night violet" they all yelled when she got her bunk she realized
That she forgot to put her favourite photo on the wall so she put it on and then gave the two men in the photo a kiss and slowly fell asleep.

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