for loving...

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Loving for all the loving you could ever experience from friend love to all the beauties of romance, enter at your own disgression my heart will be unveiled with all its delicacies.

For my best friend:

she was the girl with a flower in her hair
the kind of girl who looked down and smiled
she was the one who cherished every human being with every ounce of love in her body
she was hurt the most, there was a dark past behind her smile, one that she'd like not to admit
she's one of the most beautiful creatures you've ever seen; a voice of an angel. Everyone she passes she touches their lives, everyone crowds around her wanting a little piece of her perfection. I think she gave too many pieces away, for what I see is a broken girl in need of love; although I try to love her as much as I can, sometimes a best friend's love is not enough. Her beauty comes from deep within, not that she isn't pretty on the outside, she's gorgeous. I think that's what makes it better, she's beautiful on the inside and out. My best friend is one of the strongest people I've ever met, she's been through so much. I only wish she could see how wonderful she is.

You are artwork :
why would a piece of artwork like you go to an art museum? the art museum surrounds you, you are the art and everyone who's around you stays to stare at the beauty of your innermost being.

What a wonderful night we had:
You looked so wonderful in the moonlight, laying in the field, your guard down. staring into the stars, so at peace. The way your mouth formed into a smile as the music softly played green eyes. our hands intertwined, cold yet pleasant. True beauty laid within that moment, I looked over at you seeing the content on your face, trying not to stare at the art for too long. I gazed up into the sky, praying that these moments would never end.

Our hands fit perfectly:
your hands fit perfectly into my own, the way you slightly swung them as you stared into my eyes, me not wanting to let go, for at that moment I knew, even if we weren't alone that I wanted you. In a split second you were gone but those moments with you were enough to make my day.

Be louder:
she said we can either be loud and die young or stay quiet and live long. I want to be that crash in the night, the one that makes all the excitement flow throughout your body, the one that keeps your adrenaline pumping. I want to give you that rush where your heart beats faster and faster by the second. Let me do that to your heart, let me give you those butterflies, let me show you the world that you made so beautiful by being in it.

a friend's love is so deep:
She's everything and she's treated like she's nothing, the world doesn't deserve her perfection but I'm certainly glad to be in her presence.

To a future lover:
you couldn't come fast enough
my whole life has been planning for your visit

Please don't leave me:
my every
thought leads me back to you. As you brush your finger tips into my hair, slightly sweaty from your nerves. Something so innocent yet passionate. Would you love me more If you knew my deepest thoughts? Would you betray me the second you saw doubt in my mind or hold me close and whisper we'd be alright. I know I ask a lot of questions, the questions I hadn't asked the others that I force myself to ask you, even through my deepest anxieties of your answers. I wonder what your answer will be. I taste it upon my breath, every word fills my lungs like a storm yet to arise and your answer coats my throat like honey, reassuring me. I'd hate to admit it but within that honey deep within, there's a spot of bitter, my fears, the pain, the regret , and worry, that you'll end up like the rest

My love, my desires:
you brought my love for poetry back, I watched the passion return to my eyes, the fire that was once my spirit. I've never felt so right.

A song I never wanted my soul to stop singing:
his name chanted in my memory as a chorus who only knew one lyric. the way they sang it, so pure and vibrant.

The sky tells it all:
I looked into the purples and pinks in the sky, his image surrounded me, his presence overwhelming, something so beautiful reminded me of him, and that's when I knew I was in love

Road to Recovery:
I could feel his eyes upon me, looking deep within my soul, I couldn't tell if the thought of him seeing everything frightened or excited me. What made me trust my heart to a brown eyed stranger? yet deep within my heart I knew if I let my heart break in front of him, he'd be there picking it up. Am I willing to be so vulnerable in front of him? god forsake the ones I left days before, but he was different I knew. maybe this would be the road to recovery.

as the days past by I fall harder for you, the depth of your beauty overwhelms me. Your mind is as beautiful as a garden full of the vastest colours, so colourful, so delicate yet strong. your long black hair falls down the crook of your back, wavy and perfect. Your smile makes the sun shine brighter even on the brightest day.

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