Day Twenty-Nine: Critique Your Own Work

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29: Pretend you're a critic but give a fair concise criticism.

I feel like I’ve answered this question in a previous one. But I’ll talk about CAL again anyway, because Veeran hasn’t been properly started and ROQE is meant for fun only.

Characters and places aren’t described properly. Minimal description is okay, but there needs to be more in most chapters to properly imagine the scenes.

Characters also seem generic at some points. They have distinct personalities, use that explicitly in the writing and make it consistent.

The MC has it a little too easy, and gets away with too much. There needs to be more challenges to make her more likeable, and allow readers to root for her. Also in the interest of accuracy, she shouldn’t be allowed to do a lot of the things she does. More research needs to be done on police and investigative procedures.

There’s a tendency to rush over scenes: after an intense build-up, the moment is briefly discussed in past tense. There’s a missed opportunity to actually delve into those scenes, as well as expanding the moment.

Each case should be discussed fully and separately, beware confusing the readers.

I think those are my main concerns for this story.

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