Chapter 17

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"Hey mommy's baby" I cooed as I tickled my 4 month old son

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"Hey mommy's baby" I cooed as I tickled my 4 month old son

These past couple of months have been rocky for me and Quincy. He's always at the damn trap doing god knows what while I'm at home raising our son.

I honestly thought that after Quinton was born he would leave that fast life but he proved me all the way wrong.

"Lonnie,Quinny" I heard Taylor yell

"In the room" I yelled back

"Look at my baby boy" Taylor cooed taking Quin from my arms

"It's nice to see you" I laughed

I haven't seen this girl in over a month and she just walking in here like she hasn't been MIA

"I know I'm sorry but I've been caught up with the whole moving process"

"I heard. When you guys moving?"

Her and Derrick were moving into a bigger house further north since Derrick wanted to start having babies and where they were staying at was a small one bed room condo.

"At the end of the month. I promise you If I knew it would be this much work moving I would've never agreed. This is too much fucking work"

"Why don't you just hire people?" I asked as I got up to head to the kitchen and make some food cause my ass was starving

"Because they never do shit right" She rolled her eyes joining me "Where's Quincy?" She asked looking around

"Good question where is that damn bastard" I snapped

"Oh no. Trouble in paradise?"

"There hasn't been a paradise since Quinton was born. He's barely ever home and when he's home all he does is sleep. It's like I don't want to jump to conclusions and say he's cheating but honestly I'm fed up. I'm ready to move out this house and into my own place" I admitted

I've been looking at apartments for me and my baby for about 2 months now and I think I found the perfect one. I just need to go look at it and see if it's right for us

"Have you tried talking to him?"

"I've tried a billion times Tay. He can't even hold a minute conversation with me or his son. Quin has seen the damn mail man more then he's seen Quincy"

"Wow I didn't know it was that bad"

"Yeah it's bad and to make matters worst we haven't had sex in 4 months either and he's a sex freak so it makes me question is he getting it from someone else" By now tears were threatening to fall

I loved Quincy with everything in me but I can't let myself get cheated on and not do shit. Part of me wants to believe he's not doing me dirty  but all the signs are there so I think it's better I just leave

"Well if you want to leave I think our old condo is still available. Derrick was paying rent just in case I needed some time. You're more than welcome to use it. Furniture is still there and I believe some of your old clothes too"

"Thank you so much. I'll just pack Quin's clothes and we can leave"

I don't want to be here living off of him when he can barely dedicate a couple seconds to me. I don't even get a hey baby how are you or a kiss. He comes home eats showers and he's out for the night. Well most of the night because his phone goes off around 3 and he's out the door without saying a word.


I was walking in my house after helping Lonnie move into our old place

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I was walking in my house after helping Lonnie move into our old place

I feel so bad for the way Quincy's treating her. Like she doesn't deserve that. That nigga was crying and shit talking about he missed her when Lonnie was ignoring him but now he can't even kiss her. What type of shit is that?

"Hey baby" Derrick greeted

"Hey babe" I stood on my tippy toes giving him a peck on the lips

"Where you go?"

"I went over to Lonnie's and helped her move back into our old place"

"Move? Where she moved?"

"Because your no good best friend acts like he don't a damn girl or kid at home. Lonnie said they barely even speak and he doesn't even say hi or spend time with Quinton"

"What nah that don't sound right" He shook his head in disbelief

"Well it's true. So better tell him to get his shit together or Lonnie's leaving him. She's planning on moving back to New York if he doesn't come to his senses"

"She can't just leave with that niggas son Tay"

"That nigga doesn't even see his son and they live in the same damn house Derrick. He doesn't even kiss him bae how is her moving away going to make a difference? If anything it'll better for Quinton because he won't feel the bad vibes he's getting from his father"

"Nah that still doesn't make it right" He shook his head

"Of course it doesn't sound right. He's your best friend. But I'm telling you now that if he doesn't step up and she leaves the courts going to side with her so he'll lose his rights either way it goes" I shrugged walking away

I'm totally against taking a child away from his father but in this situation why have the baby around someone who clearly doesn't want anything to do with him?

Quincy where you at 👀

Y'all think Lonnie's wrong for trying to leave with Quinton?

We're sorry for the wait things got complicated but we back😊

If y'all have ideas for the book feel free to share them we can use them lol



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Love Ria❤️

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