Change Of Plan - Are You Sure This Isn't Someone's Crazy Grandpa?!?

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Hi guys, this is it, I've had this Idea for a while, but never thought I should do it, but here it is :) 

Dedicated to Tina_hpmcr because she absolutely loves MCR and Harry Potter :)

- Keep Shining :D

xoxoxo Melissa :D


*Gerard POV*

"Now remember, show your parents your grade on this quiz." My Science teachers says, directing the statement towards me. I couldn't care less, it's not like I need Science, I care about Art. I sneak a Look at Ray's grade, A, his parents are really proud of him. Ray Toro is one of my best friends, I first noticed him when we collided with each other and I just stared at his big, bushy fro. My other best friends are Frank Iero and my younger brother Mikey Way.

Science was the last period so I can finally go home. Ray and I walk towards our lockers, which luckily were very close to Mikey and Frank's. I see my brother and Frank laughing, at least they were happy. Me, I don't belong here, I know I'm meant to be somewhere else, I just can't think where.

"Hey Gee" Mikey greets using my nickname then went to Ray, I smile back. "HI!" that was Frank, he is very bubbly, something I'm not. "Hi Frank" I say. "Okay, now we can go home, who's place are we going to?" Ray asks.

"Ours" Mikey and I Answer at the same time. As we walk through a couple of Jocks go past us saying things like "Fags, Emos, Losers", See we don't belong here, well at least I don't. By the time we all get to the house, Mom's back, she won't mind. She loves Frank and Ray like her own sons. Mikey uses his key to open the door then we see, Mom and Dad, Ray's parents, and Frank's parents.

"We didn't do ANYTHING! We swear!" Frank says immediately after seeing his Mom and Dad.

"Don't worry Frankie, we're just all having dinner together with Profe-A Guest!" His Mom replies.

"Okay then." Frank says, eyeing them suspiciously. We all run upstairs to my room, it was dark, just the way I liked it, My room had my sketches everywhere. As soon as we were inside, we jumped on my bed.

"What was that all about?" Mikey asks curiously.

"Man, I don't know, but they're up to something, I know it." Frank answers.

"How about a horror movie?" I suggest, changing the topic.

After about halfway in the movie, Ray started shouting at the girl, telling her not to go in the closet, yeah she didn't listen to Ray.

"Boys! DINNER!" Mom calls. "Guys, lets go" I tell them. When we got down, I saw a man, in light blue, almost greyish robes with very long grey hair, and some long ass beard. Who the fuck is he?

"Frank, don't say anything." I warn, knowing he'd laugh his brains out. Mikey guides us all to the table where the old guy sat at the head of the table. No one said anything during dinner at all, we didn't dare, except for our dads who were all talking about some sports game from yesterday. I could feel the old guy's eyes piercing through us the whole dinner. After the meal, our parents told us to wait in the living room.

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