Some Things Never Change

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Hey guys! 

This is a short story i wrote for a practice test for narrative writing! just to tell you this isn't meant to offend anyone! Hope you like it :) let me know what you think of it. Honest opinions please! 

He looked out the clear, glass window to the light blue sky. The leaves rustled in the trees and the kids laughed joyfully as they flew higher and higher towards the sky and then fell back down to Earth again. He always loved these days. The days when all seemed to be going great. These days always seemed to remind him of his first days here. The lies, the rumors, the cruel words and the rejection, all because of who he was. It wasn't something he could help. It's not like he was born the same as everyone else and he just changed somewhere through life. No, he was born this way and nothing could change that.

He glanced over at his wife, Cassie, her eyebrows knitted together in concentration, sitting, knitting on the plush sofa looking as if there wasn't a care in the world, like nothing was wrong with the world. She looked up at him and smiled the very smile that made him overflow with pleasure and forget about the rest of the world. She accepted him for who he was even looking and being the way he was, she loved him.

"John, can you go to the shop and buy some milk?" she said as she continued to knit.

"Sure. Just the um... normal, right?" he asked her, tripping over his words like always.

"Yeah. There's money on the top of the fireplace." She said in response, a sense of gratitude in her voice. He moved silently over towards the fireplace, quickly grabbed the money and walked out the door. He continued his walk down the street towards the awaiting grocery shop while thinking to himself. People all seem to be more accepting who I am, he thought to himself.

"Hi John!" the grocer smiled as he made his way around the store.

"Hi!" he said in response. He quickly walked down the aisle towards the coolest section full of cooled bottles of drink. Quickly grabbing the carton of milk, he walked over to the cash register.

"Hey! John! You're a bit down today. Haha. Get it? Down? Down Syndrome?" the person at the cash register laughed at him. Yes, he had Down syndrome. As soon as the words left the person's mouth, he felt his heart break. It was never going to change. As he walked away, he realized that some things never really change. It was always going to be the same. People would constantly tease him, throw offensive words at him and just make a complete joke out of him.

He couldn't do it. He felt tears prick his eyes as he continued to walk down the street back home, his head down looking at the ground while the chirps of cheerful birds could be heard around him. Later that night, he lay in bed and the thought to himself while crying. His eyes overflowed with tears, his lips trembled and his hand was soaked in his salty tears. It was always going to be this way.

Other things may change but this one thing was about as likely to change as the seasons not changing. Boy was he wrong about the world. To them, he would always be John, the guy with Down syndrome. He thought all this, while around him, the world turned slowly. Only time would tell whether things would change or not.

Comments, votes, etc... very much appreciated :)

Thanks, Rebecca

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