Chapter 10 To the Castle

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(Chapter 10) To the Castle

As Finn marched to the castle May and the men he had recruited were trying to talk Finn out of going to The king they said they heard rumors that he was old and was maddening with his age and the looming threat of the bandit attack and that he had become sick and they would never be allowed to see him, this did not discourage Finn at all in fact he picked up his pace more eager than ever for the king to hear his plea.

It wasn't more than a few moments until he had arrived at the gate it was old and the wood was beginning to rot, they almost didn't want to cross it cause of how it squeaked under their weight, but they carried on.

Finn walked right to the front of the gate and slammed his fist against it as hard as he could over and over to make sure he had been heard.

Finn yelled "I request a meeting with the king! It’s about the bandits! I have a possible solution! Please hear us out!”

For a while it was silent, but eventually the large gate started to lift off the ground. Finn and his followers walked inside. A few soldiers ran to them and drew their blades.

“what are your intentions!?"

Shouted a Guard from the group.

"We only wish to request the king’s help, it’s about the bandits, we need him and he needs us...."stated Finn.

"Okay....but be silent until spoken to...." Said a Guard. The guards surrounded our heroes and led them inside. As they walked from the gate they heard it slam into the ground dust settled everywhere

Their walk led them through the main courtyard....all the grass and trees and plants dying if not dead already, on a few of the plant pots was the faded words

“Shinning flowers”

And what was alive was over grown and heavily weeded As if they had been unkempt and unaltered for weeks. A frown fell across May’s face at the sight of this, she grabbed Finn’s hand and gave it a squeeze, he squeezed back.

"Sad isn't it.... It reminds me of the town, it used to be so bright and happy and full of life.... But not unlike these plants…. Its dying.... My name is William by the way, I’m the guard captain. Well what's left of the guards that is...."

"I'm Finn, this is May and our new friends, uh....I haven't asked you of your names yet have I?“  Asked Finn.

The taller of the mercenaries spoke first. “my name is Isaac."

"My name is scout.“ Said the other mercenary.

“Well it’s good to make your acquaintance.” Said William.

They soon arrived at the main hall doors, two of the guards went ahead and pushed the doors open, we continued walking and went inside, it was dark and dusty there weren't many candles or torches and where there were they were very dim and mostly melted.

They didn't appear to have been changed in a long time, pools of hardened candle wax lay on the floor alongside cobwebs and piles of ash from the old torches.

As they walked closer to the throne they noticed some of the tables were over turned and the ones that weren't had discolored and foul smelling food thrown across them That put off a distinct smell which filled all of the great hall, there was noticeable vermin bones and small brown pellets decorated the floor almost out numbering the dust. The makers of these droppings seemed to have hidden themselves from their guests....

Eventually they reached the stairs at the base of the one could see the throne it was too dark but you could tell that there was indeed someone sitting on it

No one said anything.... Eventually William stepped forward and said.

"My king... These people say they wish to deal with the bandits and would like to request something from you."

It was dead silent in the hall...

Suddenly a loud and powerful voice Boomed from throne. "Why have you brought these fools to me!?"

"Well uh uum, thought that you could at least hear them out, there aren’t many Options left sir....we have to do something ou- our walls lack the men to protect the town, w- we don't even have enough to protect the castle anymore, it's a m- miracle they haven't taken over already." William stuttered.

There was only silence....

"Do you think me a fool!?I'm well aware of our lack of soldiers! And I don't need you giving me advice! You are a soldier! I am the king!

(The king quickly stands up from his throne and steps into the light)

(He had a hunch and leaned on a cane his long gray hair falling foreword across his tattered robes he had jewelry strung all about him but it seems to have lost its shine and appeal)

You will listen to my command! Do not question me again! Now remove these madmen from my sight!”

William was silent but did as he was told and motioned for the other guards to grab our heroes and lead them out, May resisted at first but soon realized there was no point in fighting....they soon had left the throne room and were walking through the great hall again.

William spoke "I'm sorry everyone I didn't think it would work but I figured it was our last chance to save this town" Finn stepped forward and said

“It’s ok William.... Cause I'm still going... Finn said with determination in his voice.

"WHAT!?"  Screamed May.

"ARE YOU NUTS!?Finn I don't care how badly you want to avenge your family you won't get anywhere near that guy! Don’t let anger cloud your mind! Hasn’t my dad taught you anything-"

 Finn cut her off. “Yes I have learned something May, I’ve learned a lot, and I'm not doing this for revenge anymore... I 'm doing it to save this town..." May was speechless.

Then from one of the doorways of the hall a man slowly steeped forward and spoke

 "Young man... Come forward...."

Finn did as he was asked and walked a little away from the group, then from the darkness of the doorway the man stepped forward. He had long blond hair that was pulled back He had on robes that featured an elaborate design woven from warm colors the man held out his hand for Finn to shake and so he did. Then William quickly got down on his knee, his fellow soldiers did the same

 "You've got my support in your upcoming battle.“ Said the stranger.

"Um that's great....who are you?" Asked Finn.

“I am prince Eric, I’ve been absent from the town for quite some time now due to an attack that left me injured, it was from the bandits terrorizing the city”

 “My prince! What are you doing up? Have your injuries healed?" Asked William.

 "Yes for the most part and now that I'm recovered I'm ready to give a command...." Replied the prince.

"What command would that be sir?" Asked one of the soldiers.

"To gather a couple dozen soldiers and give these future heroes anything they need for our looming battle...."stated the prince.

" would go against your father’s orders? “Asked William

"Oh William, weren’t you listening? He never gave an order to stay here and he never have an order not to go.... so.... we aren't disobeying my father. “ The prince said with a grin.

William grinned along with him

"Alright men listen up we are taking every soldier left except for ten. Five to stay here in the castle and five to walk around town, we can't have my father thinking we left It could cause problems, William gather the men now and meet me on the old road leading out of town And you my new Friends come with me...."

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