Chapter 4 The room on the Left

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(Chapter 4) The room on the left

“'s been awhile since I've been in here, I had forgotten what it looked like. It’s probably been....four years.”

"Why haven't you been in here in so long?" Asked Finn.

"It belonged to my daughter." Replied John.

“May?” Finn asked.

“No, my other daughter....she's no longer with us...” Stated John.

“What happened?” Asked Finn

“I'd rather not get into it if that’s okay, well good night Finn make yourself comfortable.”

John closed the door as he left the room. Finn was left alone in the room

The room wasn't very big but not small either it had a small bed with pink lace beside the bed there was a table with a half melted candle on it.

There was a dresser against a wall with a window next to it. On the dresser there were several dolls.

“Well this isn't exactly my choice of decor but it will do just fine.” Finn laid down on the bed and got under the covers, they felt as if they hadn’t been moved in a long time. Finn had just been falling asleep when someone walked through the doorway across the room and out the window

At first Finn thought he was dreaming But then he could hear quite steps on the roof, Finn jumped out of bed to investigate he walked out the window onto a small porch that leads to the roof.

When Finn went up to the roof he saw May sitting at the edge silently crying. Finn climbed higher to get a closer look, when the roof creaked under his weight, May turned around with tears rolling down her eyes, she stuttered out.

"Who’s there?" Asked May.

Finn approached her and said. “I’m sorry I didn't mean to be rude I saw someone run up here, so I wanted to see what it was, I’m sorry I’ll go.” Said Finn.

“No...Wait....its okay.” Said May. “It's alright.”

“It's been so long since I've been up here, I haven't come up since my sister died, it’s been about four years, it was my fault….” Whispered May.

“What was your fault?” Finn asked.

“I was supposed to be watching her.”

“She was my responsibility, I should have been watching her closer.” Said May.

“How did she die?” Asked Finn.

“She… she… she was killed and eaten by wolves…” whispered May.

“We were walking through the woods… I was going to show her a special clearing I found it had so many flowers… it was so pretty, she really loved flowers…”

“But I wasn’t watching her and she wondered off… she fell down a hill and landed in front of their den, by the time I found her there was barely anything left to bury, I ran to my dad and told him what happened… he killed them all. Every last wolf…”

“That’s what he was hunting when he found you, he makes sure they don’t populate in this area, it keeps our livestock safe too…” explained May.

“We used to come up here all the time”

“This was our special place.” Whimpered May.

(May starts to cry again)

“I was supposed to be her protector, I’m the older sister.”

“Oh May I’m so sorry… I had no idea… I know how you feel…” Says Finn as he goes to console her.

”How would you know!? What have you lost!?” Demanded May.

Finn exploded with emotion as he yelled at May.

“I’ve lost everything…. I’ve lost everyone! Only yesterday everyone I’ve ever loved or come to care for was slaughtered in the road! Right in front of me! Their bodies are probably still lying there, no one is there to bury them so they’ll just be drug to the side when someone comes by, left to be eaten by the birds and the beasts from the woods!.... so that’s how I know…. That’s what I’ve lost….”

(May cry’s even harder than before)

May gives Finn a tight hug, and buries her face into his chest sobbing loudly they just stood there for a while.

 “I’m sorry Finn. I’ve been nothing but rude since you got here, and you’ve just been putting up with it even after you just went through all that tragedy. I’m so sorry. Here come sit down with me.” Said May.

So Finn and May sat next to each other, May just went on talking about how her and her sister would sit on the roof looking at the stars, sometimes until dawn, then they would hurry inside before their father woke to find their beds empty.

Finn could tell it was getting late so he suggests he and May go back down stairs, May agrees with him and goes down stairs, Finn stayed just long enough to see the sun rise.

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