Chapter 1 Dazed

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(Chapter 1) Dazed

My name is Finn. I'm 15 years old and I'm the only survivor of a large attack on my caravan, I saw my mother and father die... At the hands of bandits.

I will never forget that day... Never.

I wasn't sure what to do, everyone I had ever grown to know or love is dead...

What now? Where do I go? What's left for me in this cruel world?

I stumbled through the woods for hours before I finally just sat down and started to cry I don't know how long I cried seconds, minutes, hours, it all feels the same now. I don't remember when I fell asleep, or even when I woke up, it was all such a blur. I didn't even notice the knife wound I had received nor the broken dagger sticking out of my arm.

Eventually I tried to stand, but I quickly fell against the tree for support. Right away my arm felt like it was in fire, I screamed from the intense pain, as I accidentally pushed the dagger farther into my arm, I pulled the blade out without even thinking. Blood gushed out of the now reopened wound, I tried walking but I got dizzy and fell down again, in my last moments of conciseness I started to call out for help.




"Help me... Please"

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