Chapter 8 Training Day

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(Chapter 8) Training Day

“Ok kid the first thing you need to do is work on your stance let’s see how you hold a sword.” Said Paul.

( Paul hands Finn a sword. Finn awkwardly hold the sword out word, as if he was about to jab something.)

“What the heck kid? Did you plan on running into battle not knowing how to even HOLD a sword? John I know I've trained a lot of people, but this is going to be a lot of work, you sure you want this kid to learn how to fight?” Asked Paul.

“Yes I'm sure. He’s going to go fight what he's going to fight regardless of whether he's trained or not, so he might as well be trained, at least that way he might survive.” Said John.

 “Well you’ve got a point I guess. Alright here we go Finn, pay attention now. Have your arms like this, okay? And your feet like this, this is the basic stance for all recruits that are trained up at the castle, me what I just showed you.” Said Paul

Finn quickly got into the proper stance so that he looked just as Paul had shown him.

“Good, at least you can follow simple instructions, next I want you to just swing the sword around some, get used to the weight of it, don’t let it throw you now.” Said Paul.

After hearing this Finn started to swing the sword around a bit, it had more pull to it than he thought it would.

“Okay that's good now I’ll show you a simple swing and jab technique, it doesn't seem like much but it will do you good, remember just because a move isn't fancy doesn't mean it's not effective.” Said Paul.

After saying this Paul showed fin the technique he simply swung the sword for side to side, crouched, then jabbed.

”See Finn that's all there is to this technique, you try.” Said paul.

Finn did as he was told and swung his sword, everything was fine up until the jab, Finn fell over as he went to jab.

“Wow….didn't think it would be so difficult for you to pick up, do you know where you went wrong?” Asked Paul.

Finn simply replied. “No.”

“Your feet were to close together if they are to close you'll topple over every time, keep your feet about a shoulder lengths apart. Now keep doing this until I tell you to stop.” Said Paul

“How long will I be doing this?” Asked Finn.

“Until. I. Tell. You. To. Stop.” Said Paul.

“What part about that didn't you understand?” And at that Paul and John walked back up to the house. Finn didn't know what else he should do, so he did as he was told. He got into his stance and started to practice the technique. After about 20 minutes  of repeating the same simple swing, duck, jab. He heard Paul call from the house that he could come and eat, Finn was very relieved at this and walked back to the house.

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