Chapter 4: Karima

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In a glimpse of an eye we were surrounded by the darkness of a room and his hand firmly grabbed mine.

« Stand by me. » He spoke and I silently nodded, conscious that he could see me even though he wasn't directly looking at me, but instead gave his back to me.

We walked for what seemed an eternity and I constantly followed his steps afraid that if I left his hand, something would come up to me and maybe eat me alive.

Or what else, gosh.

« I know you're here », suddenly his voice echoed through the walls and shivers came down along my spine. He didn't sound happy at all.

Someone's a bit irritated here.

« Karima, come here! » his tone raised up a bit, but in my ears it sounded as if he was screaming and a little pinch of fear started to grow inside me.

A small lock of hair faded from our feet in the darkness and slowly a figure was coming out from the shadows right after. As soon as I saw the figure move, my hands started to sweat while the nervousness slowly made its way inside me.

I could recognise those red eyes even if I had hundreds of them in front of me, even if I couldn't see her face yet, I knew it was her.

Jungkook's grip tightened around my hand and his eyes locked with mine reassuring me and I could suddenly hear him inside my head.

Stay calm, breathe, she can't do anything to you.

I stayed silent.

I am here, she won't do anything to you.

He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him while my heart for a strange reason skipped a beat. My heart was beating so fast I thought it could have legs to escape from my chest, but I felt so safe in his arms and suddenly all the nervousness was for another strange and unknown reason.

I looked ahead of me and saw her standing right in front of us, just a few meters separating one from the other.

She bowed and put her hands on her long white dress. « Yes, Master? »

My lips parted in shock, her voice was so unbelievably sweet and soft and so... fake. But I could almost feel my knees melting from the sweetness and I had to admit: she was a great actress.

Her shiny red hair fell in waves just right on her shoulders making her eyes to shine even more brightly, surrounding her face just right. Her lips tinted of a deep dark black moved and let out some words again.

« Have you been wanting to see me so much that you can't speak now? » She grinned widely, but Jungkook's face didn't twitch and remained hard as rock instead.

« You know what I'm here for, don't you dare make fun of me, Karima, or do you want to end up as I didn't let you because I had mercy on you? » I was so scared of what his words meant that I actually felt almost sorry for her.


But I think she surely was for herself as her face suddenly changed but turned back to normal immediately after.

« You know I can't tell you anything. »

« I'm sure you can, indeed, » he stepped forward pushing me gently behind his back, « or do I have to quote what you said to her? » his blood was boiling with anger, I could tell for sure.

Well, she was too. Her eyes turned half green and half red while small snakes came out from her scalp and started hissing at him, but he didn't budge a millimeter.

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