Epilogue- Aly

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February 25th, 2017

Finally, it was Jared's birthday. I had been waiting all week to give him his present. It was the best gift in the world. Well, for him anyway. I had gotten him a signed record from his favorite band, which he hadn't been able to obtain before. I understood why now. It hadn't been easy, I had to do a lot of research and luckily, I came across someone who was selling it online. But it wasn't in this normal site where everyone sold and bought old records, no, it was nothing like that. I had no idea how I got to a blog, where he was mentioned in the comments, saying he was the owner of some old records from the Bee Gees, so then I got to his profile and send him an e-mail. I practically begged him to sell me the record. I must have had better charming skills than I thought because the guy responded instantly and said he was willing to sell it to me, but that he didn't make shipping so if I wanted it, I would have to come and get it. Maybe he didn't expect me to drive three hundred miles to get it, clearly, he didn't know me, once I set my mind on something I always do my best at it. Even with the tiny things. So, mom and I went on a road trip, rented a motel room so we could stay the night, went to this guy's place- which was nearly a dumpster, I had no clue how he had managed to own perfectly good signed records- and were back by the next day. It was a lot of fun driving with my mother, she had bought a lot of snacks and drinks, which we didn't ration well, because we ate everything on the first drive and then were forced to buy some more stuff in a grocery store before we made our way back. Our stomachs hurt the whole day after that.

I had lied and told Jared my mom and I were visiting an old friend of hers. He didn't question me, if felt weird to lie to him, but it was for a good cause.

Anyway, I had already told him about a week ago, that I had gotten him the greatest of gifts, he asked me every day to tell him what it was, said he is literally dying to know. I haven't budged. As much as I wished to tell him then, I had to wait until today.

I loved giving presents that were thoughtful and that were going to make the other person feel special. I preferred to get people what they wanted, not what they needed. I felt good too, when I gave someone a meaningful present, so a part of it is for me as well. If it doesn't give me any joy to give it to them, then it's no good.

It was eight in the morning and I was already up. As I said, I was really anxious for this day to come, maybe even more than him. I had told him I would stop by around ten so we could have breakfast together, but I couldn't wait any longer. I got out of bed, changed faster than ever before, grabbed the gift from its hiding spot and run downstairs. Mom was in the couch drinking a cup of tea.

"Where are you going this early on a Saturday?" She asked me.

"I'm going to Jared's to give him his present." I said as I lifted the thin record that was now wrapped in newspaper.

"Oh right. Remember to take a picture from his face when he sees it." She reminded me. After all, without her, I would probably didn't even have it.

"Sure, mom. I'm going now, I don't know when I'll be back." I said and walked out.

In truth, I knew I wasn't getting back until tomorrow because I was planning on spending the night in his arms. Not that we haven't done it before, sometimes I stayed over and other times he would sleep here. Gladly, none of our parents thought that sleeping in the same room was some kind of sin, so they didn't bother us with it. Though, sleeping wasn't all that we did...

We've been dating for more than three months now. At first it was weird, being able to kiss him whenever I wanted and holding his hand or siting in his lap. It was especially weird for Stephanie, she said she was totally on board with us being together, but that she didn't want us to turn whenever we hung out in a make out session. We did our best to keep her wishes. But now, kissing him and all those other things felt as natural as breathing itself.

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