Chapter 6- Jared

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I HAD BEEN INSIDE THAT hot tub for only ten minutes and already I couldn't take it anymore. It wasn't that the water didn't feel good, no, it was great, but watching Austin and Aly together like that? Not so much. He watched her like he wanted to devour her, his eyes, only lust there. No love. I hated him for that. I hated him for a lot of things really. That thing he said when we had finished dinner? "Why do something if you had someone else who can do it for you?" How stupid was that? I saw that Aly flinched at that, at least she didn't agree with everything that dickhead thought.

I suddenly snapped from my thoughts as someone splashed water in my face. I turned to find Steph looking at me all guilty. She came closer to me. "Don't stare too much at them, you are being obvious." She told me in a low voice so only I could hear.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You've been staring at them for ten minutes straight." She said and moved her head towards where Austin and Aly were sitting.

"I wasn't staring." I lied.

"Yeah, right." She said. She knew, she had to. She could always see right trough me. She could see right through everyone in reality.

After a couple of minutes Austin started talking with Scott about lacrosse and Aly just laid there, her head resting against the hot tub's wall, her eyes closed. She looked gorgeous, yet, I forced myself to look away. I could stare at her for hours but Stephanie was right, I was being too transparent, probably drooling by now.

After what I though was an appropriate time to leave, I excused myself, told them I was tired and that I was going to bed. I got to my room, climbed out from my wet shorts into some warm pants, and grabbed my guitar. I wanted to finish that song I had been working on, I've already finished the melody but was struggling with the lyrics. I once told Aly that lyrics weren't my thing, but that was a big fat lie. I had written plenty of songs, specially lately, but all of them, I mean every fucking one, were about her. And if I ever exposed them to her she would know. There was no way she wouldn't know how I felt if she ever heard them, so I only showed her the melody.

After a while, I had successfully come up with the last two versus that I had been missing and the song was finished at last. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already midnight, that meant I had been doing that for more than two hours. It felt like minutes. I guessed time did fly when you were entertained.

I was really tired now, it was hard to keep my eyes opened so I laid in bed and nodded off with images of her in my head. How shocking, same as every fucking night.

I woke up with light in my face. When I slowly opened my eyes, I noticed it was the bright morning sun. I hated that I couldn't sleep if there was even a little bit of light. I picked up my phone to see the time. Note to self: If you didn't want to wake up at six in the morning, then close the fucking curtains.

Another thing I hated about myself was that whenever I woke up, I could never go back to sleep, even if it was in the middle of the night. So I climbed out of bed, brushed my teeth, put on some running clothes and headed outside. Figured it would be nice to run in the woods instead of my neighborhood's concrete streets for a chance.

After two hours, I finally found my way back to the house. I got lost about twenty minutes after I left, and trying to find my way back while still running at the same time wasn't the easiest thing I ever had to do. But it was worth it by the pride I felt when I found myself in front of the house. I have always loved a good challenge, feeling the rush and the adrenaline. Although, I only say that after said challenge has been achieved, but who cares?

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