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Our dismantled trio stood outside the school, apparently fighting on school grounds guaranteed a suspension for one measly day. While the other two were 'bystanders' but really old Mr Vance felt sorry for them, Seth was expelled.

I haven't seen him since Eve pulled me off him, I'm thankful for that really since if I had we both would be dead by now.

"I'm sorry"

"Me too" Mike joined in, coughing as he blew the smoke of his cigarette.

"Nice too meet you sorry one and two, I'm referred too as the idiot pleased to meet you acquaintance" She stared at her feet as she said it, a smile smile appearing on her lips as if too humour us.

"I really am" I repeated.

"I know you both are" She paused looking between us "that's what makes me the idiot"   

Her mother arrived soon after that, a glance at Mike and I before taking in her daughters broken state. It was a mix of heartbreak the filled her eyes as they clutched each other in the parking lot while we both averted are eyes.

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