Chp 9

556 17 1

Heeeeyyy yall okay so I'm adding Zay as a POV[point of view].


It's been a month since everthing errupted, and the streets been quiet. A little bit too quiet, but our eyes still open. We still watching. Andres still hiding. He beat the shit out of Bethany ass.

So me and Siah at the trap and Thania keep walking in asking these dumb ass questions. I don't trust tis bich with the spit in my fucking mouth. Everytime she walk in here she looking at Siah like he a dam whopper, and his ass smiling like a fresh ass happy meal.

She walked in and sat on the desk with her legs crossed. I was in the middle of my sentence and she just came in and interrupted m thoughts. "This hoe can't be fuckin serious," I mumbled to myself.

She flipped her hair and turned to me, "Are you speaking Xavier?"

I had to luagh cause if I didn't I was gon shoot the bitch. Unlike Siah I actually have a heart, but this bitch was slowly making me forget everything I stood for. "Thania you might want to chill."

Messiah was just smoking his blunt watching the whole situation. He was laughing cause he knew what was going to happen. I texted Sarabi and let her know what was going on. It was a Saturday so she wasn't doing nothing, but sitting at the house with Alana.

She hit Messiah on the arm, "You just gon let him talk to me like this!"

I had to stand my ass up for his. Like bitch thought she was something special, " Thania why would he defend you. You are nothing special sweetie! Now you might want to leave this room."

Right when I finished my sentence Sarabi walked in. Messiah started moving like somebody put fire under his ass. He put out that blunt, but I guess he wasn't moving fast enough for Sarabi. She came and sat on the couch across from his desk and crossed her legs. "What's this Messiah."

He stood up and started walking over to her, "Nothing mama we was just having a business meeting.'

"Ooohh a meeting hmph." She nodded her hand. "No see it has to be more. Because she sitting on your desk with her thighs all exposed, and you back there smoking like everything okay. So again I ask What is going on Messiah."

Messiah shook his head nothing. Sarabi was really feeling herself today, "Bitch you really don't get enough do you. Just tell me how many times ima have beat yo ass before you realize he already spoken for!"

Now the whole time this is happening my ass sitting in the corner laughing. Thania really thought she was something special. The look on her face when Sarabi walked in was priceless, and Messiah sitting over there with his head down looking lost.

I don't know what it is about Sarabi but she bosses the shit out of Siah. She stood up and started walking out the door, "Let's Go!"

Messiah ole whipped ass left right behind her. I stood up and walked out after them. Thania was just in there looking dumb. I realized once we all left her ass was still in the office. I turned and ran back inside. We don't leave anything in the office. All we have in there are guns. All money and important paperwork are at our home offices, and those offices are code locked.

I slowly crept ino the room. Behold, there was Thania sitting beind th desk going through the computer. All the desk drawers were pulled out. I laughed at her ass. We always prepared for bitches like her.

"Find what you looking for?" She jumped up at the sound of my voice. She straightened her skirt and tried to walk out. I blocked the doorway. "Oh no ma'am!"

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