Chapter 7

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As soon as I made my way into the door frame to the kitchen all sorts of conversation stopped, complete silence, the only noise you could hear was the breaths that kept everyone alive. The kitchen was way beyond crowded with 8 grown boys greedily snatching pieces of bacon, sausages, pancakes and other breakfast necessities from numerous plates set out on a rather large table, but along with the talking all signs of movement became silenced too.

My eyes awkwardly scanned the room one last time before settling in on Mrs. R. I silently begged her to say something to break the tense silence while my face turned an unattractive pink shade. My face hot, I hesitantly stepped into the room. I had ended up waiting outside the kitchen a reasonable distance away from the door frame for about 10 minutes before I had mustered up enough confidence to actually come into the room. And now I was, I seriously wished the floor would open up and just swallow me whole.

"Narissa-Nine darling, come in. Sit. I'll get you a plate" Mrs. R said brightly. Making my way slowly into the room I was completely conscious of the looks everyone was giving me. There were ones of confusion, filled with so many unanswered questions that I was not looking forwards to answering. Looks of annoyance and a pair of eyes filled with hate.

The expression almost made me go still, hate.

Such a strong word I was so familiar with. The emotion Jamie was supposed to feel against me. I deserved it, deserved him hating m-

"Do you like bacon dear? I'll get you some before the boys eat it all. You're not a vegetarian are you? Oh god! I'm so sorry; I should have made alternativ-"

"No I'm not" I cringed at the way my voice sounded out, clearing my throat I put on a smile trying to come off nicer than my tone implied. The last thing I needed was my new family thinking I was a complete and utter bitch. Trying to further reassure Mrs. R some more I stepped forwards and took the plate she was holding out in her hand and took an extra piece of bacon. She smiled back at me sheepishly and turned back around getting her own. No words had been said since my arrival and I was starting to get agitated. I wasn't a friggin zoo animal, I mean seriously! Haven't they ever seen a teenage girl before?

Turning around to face the table my eyes were instantly met by 9 others, all of which were boys. Clearing my throat again I awkwardly waved, "Hi" I stupidly said.

Again nobody said anything; the only noise was the sound of Mrs. R moving around behind me. Nobody made any movement to make room for me at the table so I carried on standing next to the table a high energetic voice made me jump.

"Hi! I'm Hale, who are you?"

my eyes shot straight down to a little boy aged around 6 sitting on the end of the table, I had a overwhelming erge to say 'awe' but managed to stop myself. He had short chocolate coloured hair, high cheek bones and bright grey eyes. When he smiled at me it was contagious, I couldn't help but smile back and just before I was about to reply back to him someone pushed his small body straight off of the chair and my eyes were met by bright blue ones.

"Don't talk to him. He's a loser, I'm better. My names Dale" Unable to hold in my laugh I let out a light chuckle at the identical brothers in front of me who were now arguing over who was better.

"Hey guys! I'm pretty sure you're both awesome. Do you mind if I sit next to you two?" I said in a slightly raised voice, making sure they could hear me. I didn't need to cause another argument. As soon as I mentioned the sitting arrangements both boys instantly shut up and scrambled over making room for me to sit in-between them. I laughed again at the room they gave me; I would have only been able to fit one leg in the gap.

"Guys I can't fit in that! You're going to have to move over more, my bums too big!"

"Yes you can! See!" Dale suddenly grabbed my free arm and sharply tugged me down to his height, consequently making me fall straight into him and the blonde boy sitting the next chair over. Face flushing a deeper pink colour I shot back up to sitting position and mumbled a quick sorry.

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