Chapter 3

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No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t sleep. I tried counting sheep – which does not work -, drinking a hot choc and even listening to ‘my melody’, which Zain made for me a while back. I could hear the sweet tunes flowing out my earphones, as if I was there. Listening to him play the piano. Zain’s the person who taught me how to play; if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have been able to play the piano, the guitar or the drums. He was like my music friend, whilst Casey was like my singer friend. My mum loved my singing. She always told me that I sounded like an angel, singing from heaven. I hoped she could hear me now; just hear me sing one last time. Tears were silently creeping down my cheeks as I recited some memories of my beloved dead.

Shakily wiping away the last of my sorrows, I took out my earphones. Hearing Zain play just reminded me of how I may never see him or Casey again. Determined to stop crying I pressed the ‘need’ button above my head, the button lit an angry red colour indicating I wanted something. Not even two seconds later a young woman around 20 came to me. “Yes mam, what would you like?” her voice was high, like a squeak from a mouse. Her eyes traveled my body up and down as she took in my appearance. Wearing blue skinny jean shorts, a Nirvana top and a leather jacket, I wasn’t embarrassed, I dressed like this all the time. Skinny jeans and band t-shirts were literally everything in my closet. As her eyes traveled towards the man sitting two seats from me her eyes widened as she took in his body. “Can I have some Reece Cups and a 7-up, please” my question had obviously interrupted her raping eyes as she gave me a dirty look. “Right away miss” this time when her voice sounded out it was forced. Fake. I smiled in triumph as she stumbled away in her stupid high heels. Was she even allowed them in the aircraft?

The man sitting beside me had his head in his arms as he leant forwards and slept, feeling jealously creep up on me I looked away. How come he could fall asleep and I couldn’t. “Here are you miss, that would be 2pound and 35p please” handing her the money I took my sweets and turned around so I was facing the window. Not even looking as she stumbled away. I opened my Reece Cup wrapper I took the first one out and plopped it into my mouth. Savoring the sweet taste of peanut butter I swallowed. Reece Cups were my all time favorite sweet in the whole universe. Buy me 10 packets of Reece cups for Christmas and I’ll be more than fine...maybe a little sick but more or less fine. A slight weight on my Reece cup packet brought my attention around, catching the last glimpse of the boy take a Reece Cup and plop it into his mouth. Staring wide eyed at him he laughed at my expression. When I recovered from my shock, I looked back down to my sweets noticing in fact that there was only one left. Oh my god. He. Just. Stole. My. Reece. Cup. Instincts took over as I punched him in the arm, rather hard if I don’t say myself. “Ow! What was that for?!” his voice told shock, pain and amusement.  I squinted evil eyes at him and let my voice show the annoyance I felt, but I couldn’t help a small smile creep on my face. “You stole my Reece Cup! Now I only have one left, you know what? I want you to buy me another packet. None. Steals. My. Reece. Cups. Okay?” The smile on my face kinda ruined my angry chant but he still looked abit taken back. “Erm. Okay?” His expression was so funny; I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I let out a loud laugh gaining people around us to shoot me an annoyed look. However these stares only made it worse making me laugh harder, I probably looked like a crazy person. Well it wouldn’t have been the first time. “Are you okay?” the dudes voice was smooth and level, tone amused. Trying to swallow my giggles from hysteria I coughed trying to smother them out. When I was finally ready, I looked up at his face, a huge smile lit across his features. Making his muddy green eyes glimmer in the light. “I’m good. Thanks…” I let my words trail off, hopefully giving the hint that I still didn’t know his name. “Zander, Zander Rainwalter.” his soft strong voice rang out with confidence, much like his facial expression. He looked as if he really loved his family, as if he genuinely was proud to be called a Rainwalter. The name rang some bells in my mind but I couldn’t place what was so familiar, I could have sworn I’d heard the name before? Brushing it off I replied, “Narissa-Nine Harrinson, nice to meet you.” I wasn’t sure why but a smile crept up on my face much like his did. Something about him made me genuinely happy. Something that I hadn’t felt like lately; this thought alone made it shine even more.

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