Chapter 5 - Just a Nightmare

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Chapter 5 – Just a Nightmare

            Matthias started to lunge at Cooper but the lanky brown haired man intersected the fast demon. He flung some sort of liquid at Matthias, which had an acid effect on him. Matthias recoiled then tried again only to have more of the clear liquid thrown on him. Cooper wasn’t going to wait around to find out what was going on. Scrambling to his feet, Cooper dashed down the hallway the marble floors smacking with the sound of his shoes.

            Arriving at the lower level, Cooper found Parker overlooking the Getty Center garden sipping a glass of red wine. The beautiful modern garden with manicured plants and a fountain. “Parker, we need to go now,” Cooper urged.

            “I just sat down.” Parker pointed out taking another slow sip of his wine. He crossed his legs and watched the sunset start to dip past the horizon.

            “Parker, now!” Cooper grabbed Parker’s arm and yanked it causing him to almost spill his wine.

            “Cooper!” Parker put his almost empty glass down and glared at his friend. “What is the rush?”

            “I just realized I forgot something.” Cooper lied and glanced over his shoulder.

            “Okay, okay,” Parker finished his wine and stood up. “Don’t walk so fast.” Parker pressured as the sun disappeared and magic hour began. The two entered the museum walking towards the entrance. As they proceeded, the man from earlier appeared from around the corner.

            “You” The man pointed.

            “Run,” Cooper grabbed Parker’s hand and the two dashed towards the tram as it loaded. The tall man dashed after them his long scruffy brown hair blowing back as he ran.

            Running out through the glass entrance door of the museum, clutching Parker’s hand, the two got onto the tram as the doors slid shut. They had gotten away from him. Cooper watched as the tram pulled away from the stop and moved down the hill.

            “What was that all about?” Parker inquired. “He’s kind of cute.”


            Back at Cooper’s studio in Silverlake, Cooper got inside and Parker followed. The sun had set and Parker was eager to go out. “So that was one of your exes?” Parker asked again as they entered. The dishes in the sink were still unwashed and Kayla’s empty glasses were all over the counter.

            “Yeah, do you want something to drink?” Cooper tried to change the conversation and moved into the kitchen. Parker followed him and leaned in the doorway.

            “He was cute, why’d you break up?” Parker moved over to the fridge and reached to the top pulling down an unopened bottle of white wine and handed it to Cooper as he started to wash the dishes.

            “Umm,” Cooper continued. He finished with two small cups and dried them with a cloth. He opened a drawer and handed parker a corkscrew.

            “Is that why you broke up with that gorgeous hunk Tobalt?” Parker popped the cork out of the wine bottle, “just issues?”

            “Who said we broke up?” Cooper held out the two glasses and Parker filled them then motioned towards the table.

            “I don’t know,” Parker added and sat down at the messy table. “You seem all depressed and he’s not around?” Taking a sip of wine he noticed that Cooper wasn’t buying it. “Okay, Kayla told me when we were out,” Parker noticed the shocked expression on Cooper’s face and added on,  “she wanted to make sure that we were all taking care of you.”

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