The Cold Castle Halls

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Back in Count Bleck's castle, all of the minions were gathered together and Count Bleck was with Nastasia.

The count said, "WHAT?! ...Spat Count Bleck in utter disbelief. Surely this news cannot be true! The heroes still live?"

Dimentio stated, "Aha ha ha. Oh, I'm afraid so, my count. In fact, they will be here before long."

O'Chunks questioned, "Whut?! Izzat true, then?! What're we doin' twiddlin' our biscuits 'ere?! Count Bleck! Lemme go throw 'em a nice welcome party... I'll bring the punch!"

Mimi added, "Ooh, I wanna party with those party poopers, too! Wait up, O'Chunks! Mimimimimi!"

With that, the two minions headed out.

Dimentio responded, "Well, I'm not one to miss a party... Oh but wait one moment... Dear Count... Does the name Blumiere ring a bell?"

Hearing that name, both Count Bleck and Nastasia perked up in shock.

Count Bleck demanded, "Where did you hear that name, Dimentio?!"

Dimentio explained, "Oh, the mustache man's Pixl went on and on. She said, "I must stop Blumiere." But I suppose there's no reason to pay any mind to the ramblings of a Pixl... Ciao for now, my count."

With that, Dimentio left as Count Bleck and Nastasia were still in shock.

Nastasia spoke first, "Count Bleck! If... Um... If that Pixl is who you think it is... There's still time! You can still stop the prophecy from destroying everything! Yeah, because if that is her... If she's alive, you have to stop all of this!"

Count Bleck explained, "You know not what you are saying, Nastasia. The prophecy can no longer be stopped by Count Bleck. No one can stop it."

Nastasia stated, "Yeah, I'm on board with what you're saying...but there must be a way. There must... Lord Blumiere!"

Count Bleck chuckled and replied, "The man known as Blumiere died long ago. Now there is only Bleck! The Dark Prognosticus's choice to fulfill the prophecy! Nothing more!"

Nastasia started to protest, "But..."

Count Bleck interrupted, "Come to Count Bleck, heroes... If you hope to save these worlds, then come..."

The only thing Nastasia heard as she left was Count Bleck cackling evilly.


"Blumiere, my son, don't! Even your ancestors could not handle that dark book... If you open it, there's no telling what might happen!"

"I do not care, Father! A world without her is empty. A LIFE without her is empty. Speak, Dark Prognosticus! Teach your dark history! I await your command! BLEH HEH HEH! BLECK!"

"Blumiere... What have you done?"

"Silence! The first prophecy beckons. I will erase every inch...of this blasted world!"

"Blu - Blumiere! Don't do this! Blumiere!"

"Blumiere is no more! I am Count Bleck! And no one shall stand in my way! BLEH HEH HEH! BLECK!"


Tippi groaned, out of it, "No! Blumiere! You mustn't! Darling... How could you... Oh... Darling... You... Why..."

Violet called, "Tippi, wake up! Wake up!"

Peach commented, "I can't believe this is happening again!"

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