Ringing of the Wedding Bells

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Eventually, Princess Peach eventually came to, with a large headache. What had just happened? She couldn't remember right away, it was still a bit of a blur. She remembered someone named Count Bleck taking her and then Mario... Mario!

Peach questioned aloud, "Goodness, where's Mario? Is he okay? And what happened to me? What is this place?"

That's when a voice said, "Bleh heh heh heh... Oh, you're awake, Princess!"

Peach asked, "Huh?"

The princess of Mushroom Kingdom slowly opened her eyes and she quickly wished she hadn't. There, she saw Count Bleck floating in front of her. Next to her was Bowser, dressed in a white tuxedo. Weirdly, he was smiling wide. Peach looked down at herself and saw that she was wearing a wedding dress. Her eyes widen in total horror. Peach thought, 'A wedding dress?! Why am I wearing a wedding dress?! Where the hell is Mario?!' That's when she heard something.


The evil Koopa king spun around and threw his arms up into the air, like he just won the lottery. The crowd was all of Bowser's minions, cheering for their leader. However, Peach was more confused than anything.

Peach asked, "Wh - what's going on here?!"

That's when a mysterious girl appeared. She had pink hair in a neat bun, yellow glasses over her eyes, wearing a light gray shirt, a black skirt, and black leggings.

The girl ignored Peach and commented, "Count! Yeah, um, 'K, so preparations are complete..."

Count Bleck smirked as he stated, "Mmm... Then it shall be begun...by Count Bleck!" As soon as he said that, some bells rung and he turned to Bowser. He questioned, "Bowser... Ferocious and fearsome, evil king of the Koopas... Do you take Peach to be your lawfully wedded wife 'til your games be over?"

Bowser chuckled then answered, "Bwah ha ha! Will I marry Peach? Are you kidding me? The answer's YES!"

Count Bleck turned to Peach and questioned, "Peach... Noble princess, pure of heart... Do you take Bowser to be your lawfully wedded husband 'til your games be over?"

Peach demanded, "Now, wait just a second! You will explain to me what is going on...RIGHT NOW!"

Count Bleck chuckled and explained, "Is it not obvious? This is your wedding, Princess!"

Peach was surprised as she questioned, "But...why in the WORLD am I marrying Bowser?!"

Bowser commented, pleased, "Bwah ha ha! Hey, no gripes from THIS side of the altar, Bleck old boy! I don't get the details, but the count here has gone to a lot of trouble planning this! Just relax! We'll get married, we'll be in love, it'll be awesome! Finally!"

Peach hissed, "No! And who picked this dress out! It's AWFUL! Take me back to my castle immediately!"

That's when the mysterious girl seemed to have put a spell on Peach, forcing her to the ground.

The girl stated, "Yeah, um, being rude to the esteemed count is sort of frowned on, 'K? So, yeah, Princess Peach, I'm gonna need you to answer the count now... Do you, Peach, take Bowser to be your lawfully wedded husband 'til your games be over?"

Peach fought against the spell and managed to answer no but the mysterious girl forced the spell to be a bit stronger.

Eventually; Peach groaned, "...I...I...do..."

With those words said, the ground started to shake and a strange object started to appear. Meanwhile, down in the crowd, Luigi and Violet finally came to. The couple had been there for a good while and they were awakened by the ground shaking.

Violet questioned, "What...? What's happening?"

Luigi answered, "I don't know but is that Princess Peach over there?"

The purple clad woman turned to look and stated, "Yeah and that's Bowser with her!"

The green clad plumber grabbed his girlfriend's hand as they race over to the altar. While they were running through the crowd, the strange object that was appearing took the shape of a black and white heart.

Count Bleck chuckled as he commented, "BLEH HEH HEH HEH HEH! BLECK! Yes, all precisely as written in the Dark Prognosticus! Already it is unleashed! The Chaos Heart!"

The mysterious girl replied, "Yeah, um, congratulations, Count."


Bowser, Count Bleck, and the mysterious girl turned to see Luigi and Violet standing on the step of the altar.

Count Bleck questioned, "And just who are you two...asked Count Bleck."

Luigi answered, "Oh no, I don't give my name to scoundrels!"

Violet groaned, "Please don't try to be cool like Mario..."

Luigi ignored Violet and yelled, "HERE I GO!"

The mysterious girl started to say, "Yeah, I'm gonna need you to stop right this second, 'K? If you interrupt this now..."

Before Violet could react and before the mysterious girl could finish her sentence, Luigi jumped up and hit Bowser on top of his head first. Luigi then hit the Chaos Heart as he landed on the other side, right next to Peach. That's when the Chaos Heart started to act really strangely.

Violet started to say, "What is going on...?"

Luigi saw this too and before anyone could react, a bright light blinded them all and separated Peach, Bowser, Violet, and Luigi instantly. Count Bleck and the mysterious girl, Nastasia, were able to escape.

Nastasia asked, "Um, yeah, so are you alright, Count?"

Count Bleck answered, "Fools! Pointless acts like these will only earn you only pain...from Count Bleck! Very well. As the Chaos Heart is secured, this ragtag group now lacks use."

Nastasia pushed up her glasses and stated, "Um, so, yeah, Count... This means that you may turn to a new page of dark prophecies..."

Count Bleck open his cloak and chanted, "Open your mouth, darkness! Consume everything and destroy all worlds, as told in the prophecy! BLECK!"

With that, Count Bleck and Nastasia left in a flash of light - taking the Chaos Heart and the Dark Prognosticus along...


Wishmaker1028: So with that all said and done, in our next chapter, we should go see if Mario is okay or not! He was left behind during all of this chaos! On a different note, does Bowser not remember this? The reason I'm saying this is because of the trailer for Super Mario Odyssey. I don't see anything good coming out of that, honestly. Other than that, please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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