Stairway to Heaven

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After defeating the Underchomp, our heroes had finally made it to The Overthere. Luigi held Violet's hand, as if he didn't want to let go. Mario smiled at the sight as Bowser just rolled his eyes. Luigi had to admit, though he was over the battle with King Boo - he couldn't look at Bowser the same way ever again. Mario had to admit that he was getting worried about his girlfriend. Luigi saw his face and - without letting go of Violet's hand - placed his hand on Mario's shoulder.

"The princess will be okay," Luigi commented.

Mario stated, "I know. I'm just worried..."

Violet replied, "With good reason."

"Peach we will be okay but I'll be stealing her again soon and making her mine for real," Bowser responded.

"What a way to keep things in check," Tippi said, sarcastically.

Luvbi went off as she said, "Shaketh a leg!"

With that, the group started to climb the stairs made out of clouds that led to The Overthere. Eventually, the group came across a blonde girl sleeping under the tree - it was Princess Peach. She had eaten the golden fruit, which made her fall into a deep sleep that no one could wake her from. The only way to wake her was with an apple. Trying the blue apple actually shrunk the princess, making Bowser freak out. Violet busted up laughing as she tried the red apple.

However, the red apple made her huge. Bowser was the one to laugh now. Luigi went next and tried the yellow apple. The yellow apple actually gave her a mustache. Bowser started to flail his arms as Violet looked disgruntled. Tippi tried next, giving the mushroom princess the pink apple. The pink apple turned her into a literal peach. Mario groaned as he tried the black apple. Peach woke up and saw her boyfriend hovering over her.

"M-Mario," she asked, hopefully.

"Si, it's a-me," Mario answered, teasing her a bit.

Peach hugged and kissed Mario hard as the two of them landed on the clouds. Peach was on top of Mario, kissing him hard. Luigi and Violet held hands, smiling at the other as Bowser rolled his eyes - totally annoyed at the fact that Mario had his 'wife'. Peach finally broke the kiss.

Peach gleefully stated, "Oh, thank you for rescuing me! I am so sorry!"

Luigi replied, "It's okay, your majesty. We're just glad you are okay!"

The mushroom princess smiled at the youngest Manfredi twin and hugged him.

Violet joked, "Hey, that's MY boyfriend!"

Luigi chuckled as Peach giggled.

Bowser rolled his eyes yet again and asked, gruffly, "Shall we get moving?"

Luigi joked, "Jealous that you aren't getting any hugs?"

Bowser said nothing but the blush on his face said it all. After laughing up a storm and being reminded by Luvbi that they had to get moving again, the group went back out to the stairway to The Overthere. It was a long walk towards the end of the stairs. There were many enemies along the way and bouncing on bouncy clouds. Luigi held Violet's hand as they walked. Mario did the same with Peach. Luvbi looked plain annoyed and started to complain about it.

Bowser covered his ears with his large hands, trying to block out Luvbi's bitching but that was of no use. After a few hours, the group noticed that they were out of the stairs and in The Overthere.


Wishmaker1028: If you find "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin online, play it, and read this chapter. Mainly because there were not that many cutscenes during the climb up the cloud stairs. So, I decided to put in this song since they were using a stairway to heaven - in the Mario sense. Let me know what you think! Please read and review! And think outside of the box!

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