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"Answer me! Where the fuck is Tae?!" it was hard to keep Jimin away from Mark, everyone was struggling to keep him calm. Mark backed off, to be honest he was afraid from the smaller one. "As I said I don't know where he is! That bitch just left me." Now it was enough for Jimin, he just wanted to beat the crap out of the older but before he could even go near the older Hoseok stepped infront of him. "What did you just say?! Did you just call Tae a bitch?! What the fuck is wrong with you,huh?! How can you call your boyfriend a bitch who caught you cheating with that dude behind you huh?!". "Pff it's not my fault that BamBam is better in bed than Tae. I should have dumped him sooner but you know, it was fun playing with him". After that a punch landed on his jaw,which made him fall to the ground , "You are not serious right now, right? So you just played with him all those years? Abused him for fun? Lied to him? Those I love yous of yours were a lie?! You, make me sick. He loved you with all his heart but you just played with him!". Nobody ever saw Hoseok being this mad, not even Namjoon did. Nobody dared to talk, everyone was silent while Hoseok looked down at Mark and his new lover, you could see the hatred in his eyes. Jimin noticed that it was just a waste of time fighting with Mark. "Guys let's search for Tae, to stay here is just a waste of time." They walked out of the house and left Mark with his lover alone. "You bastard had a boyfriend?! You just used me for sex?! Omg I can't believe this. I am leaving. Hope you have a happy life,asshole.", BamBam walked out of the house, following the others to help them. Mark was all alone now and he felt like shit.

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